Android Question Webview drag


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Hello all, I have been working with Webview and would like to remove the semi round on top/bottom of webview (*During drag action)

Have anyone done this before? Or is this even possible?

*Please find attached image


  • Webview.png
    162.8 KB · Views: 165


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Or could anyone tell me what is this called? I have been trying to google for it to find any solution for this... Thanks all.
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It's a UX feedback for users to know they've reached the end of the page. It's an OS thing, I don't think it can be removed.

Why do you want to remove it though?
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Marvel, Thank you for your reply. The screen capture is from an android phone running on my B4A application with webview.
I am trying to disable this in the webview properties (*If there is any). Anyone any idea?
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