WebView Zoom and Scale


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In the android SDK documentation for android.webkit (I assume this is interfaced to by WebView), I see the two methods: public float getScale () and public void setInitialScale (int scaleInPercent). I am guessing these are related to the methods Zoomin and Zoomout and the WebView method for zooming.

Can I access these methods from B4A - maybe with agraham's Reflection library? Will they return something related to the zoom factor?



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Holy donuts that was easy!

Dim Obj1 As Reflector
Dim s As String
Dim f As Float

Obj1.Target = WvMain
s = Obj1.TypeName
f = Obj1.RunMethod("getScale")

wvMain is my WebView

elsewhere in the code I have:

Obj1.Target = WvMain
Obj1.RunMethod2("setInitialScale", "200", "java.lang.int")

Thanks for the Reflection Library.

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