my first concern when thinking of getting together with other devs is how long will it last? when will the arguing starts? what will happen if the project will get very successful will the money become an issue?
Those are common concerns in every business situation, and it could be solved with an contract or initial agreement where it is stated all of that, the rights and responsabilities of everyone, how the income will be managed and diatributed, the shared property of the resulting product, what happens in case of dissolution and all of that, having an initial agreement and a clear structure help to mitigate almost every discussion because all is established from the beginning.
As the saying goes "Clear accounts preserve friendships"
Most developers think that the most important thing is the idea of the product (what to do) and that causes the bias of not sharing their ideas, but in reality, the most important thing is the execution, in a practical way.... an idea without execution has no value.
In every team or any relation, all the members have to learn how to work with each other and how to communicate. Sincerely I think that there are so many talented people on this forum, and I'm always thinking what kind of amazing product will be resulting on a collaboration.
I hope this thread results in a good team focused on developing something great