What do you think about cryptomoney ? bitcoin,litecoin etc


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If it ever catches on with the general population, BitCoin / CryptoCurrencty will end the PetroDollar. (Because Cryptocurrency is decentralized and isn't controlled by a single Government or organization.)

PetroDollar Explained:


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That was a very good synopsis of the current situation and where we are headed.

But to find out how we got to this point, the documentary "Secret of Oz" by Bill Still explains how the money managers covertly took over America's money supply and thereby gained control of our government. I urge those who haven't seen it to take a couple of hours and watch it. If you are at all interested in money and power, you need to watch it.

The following videos will explain the framework that the elite have accomplished over the past 322 years, since the founding of the Bank of England. A non-centralized and independent currency like BitCoin (or its successor) is a threat to the elite if it gets into general use. Right now BitCoin is just starting to crawl. If it is allowed to grow up and stand on its own, and be accepted as another currency all over the world, it will unravel the infrastructure that the elite have created over the past 300 years. They can't let that happen.

All Wars are Bankers Wars by Michael Rivero is another good documentary and demonstrates how war is created and who benefits.



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The United States missed a golden opportunity to lead the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Americans didn't read it right. They blew it up.
Stupid politicians and presidents thought they are now powerful enough to conquer the world and no one can stop them.. not knowing they will be stopped by the man-in-the-street, with a keyboard, a mouse and an account with Facebook or Whatsapp.. this is his age. Soviet Union (SU) collapsed because they couldn't reconcile their social system with the new environment, like dinosaurs, and the US, instead of studying and trying to understand the lesson, they thought that was victory and happily began to revel around the world, smashing everything they encounter.
If a prominent western politician say that the lives of half a million of children worth it.. worth what? oil? natural gas? what? Hitler killed millions of Jews in the holocaust and the number of children killed in Iraq almost one third that of the holocaust. When president Bush Jr. was asked about the bunker bombing in Baghdad where hundreds of women and children were killed with a single (smart) bob, he said that was collateral damage.. it was not.. collateral damage is first: un-intentional, second should not be a portion of the military target. Moreover, even if there's military target but civilians are feared among them then the operation should be called off. The war had no ethics at all.. when they entered Baghdad they immediately secured the oil fields, leaving historic sites and museums with masterpieces dating thousands of years, to thieves and smugglers. That kind of behavior had nothing to do with civilization.. it was barbaric. In WW2, the allies drew red X over historic sites so pilots do not bomb them, like the Stadthaus in Frankfurt or the Dom kirche in Köln.. they were civilized leaders and politicians..
The bottom line: US government world actions today is ruled by pure greed for controlling oil supplies without the least value for human life in the region.
Now, getting out of the duality zone, the blame is also extended to the region's peoples.. if they fail to change themselves and reconcile their lives with this new environment, then (the universe) will do the job, no matter who executes the orders.
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Thanks Luca
I wish I had the ability to read a report like this. So many digressions and lack of focus on the issue.. I know this is a typical journalistic report but still... Maybe I am not romantic but always with direct and to the point talk.


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I also cant trust the btc but my firned just traded and won %6 within 2 days . If i buy bitcoin i can assure you that it will be the biggest scam but not until i buy =)


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If it's not blown away already then add more air and sell it for bigger money right away.
It started for free.. then $0.01 (one cent), now about $700 and that's in less than a decade. see the chart.
I do believe in the international government that will definitely be realized in the near future.. all what we see now are the forerunners, from the United Nations to the Internet to Bitcoin.. but this is the false dawn. The true sunrise will be all what we have now plus the rule of law with ethics, justice and equality. If you see a civilization that doesn't treat the ordinary man, even of he were an imbecile, as a God-in-the-making and an end in himself, and provide him with all opportunities to develop as such, then this is not a civilization. Name it anything else.. this is where we are today. But I believe the natural false dawn is shortly followed by the true sunrise.


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