Android 5 have been sent to the Galaxy 4, resulting in many unidentified crashes.
That have creates problems for my users and for me!
What is required to create compatible versions:
Which SDK packages required (API 21)?
Can older API used?
I am familiar with (SetApplicationAttribute (android: theme, "@Android: style/Theme. Holo")
Identified is MSGBOX causes crashes!
I use B4A 4.0 on Windows 7.0. I have many apps created on earlier versions from 2.2 - 4.x
A step to step instructions to reach the Android 5 level is helpful, perhaps it already exist, in that case where?
That have creates problems for my users and for me!
What is required to create compatible versions:
Which SDK packages required (API 21)?
Can older API used?
I am familiar with (SetApplicationAttribute (android: theme, "@Android: style/Theme. Holo")
Identified is MSGBOX causes crashes!
I use B4A 4.0 on Windows 7.0. I have many apps created on earlier versions from 2.2 - 4.x
A step to step instructions to reach the Android 5 level is helpful, perhaps it already exist, in that case where?