What's your 'regular' job?


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I convert ideas into reality for a given amount of money. In other words, I am a freelancer (or mercenary), but the first sentence sounds better ?
In my past life had been the R+D head in a couple of companies designing, manufacturing and deploying Telecom devices. I learnt a lot but got totally burnt and a moment arrived when my learning curve was negative. This happened about 9 years ago.
Have thought several times, specially when things get hard as lately, to go back to civilization and get again a regular job, but something still retains me at the wild side.


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I convert ideas into reality for a given amount of money. In other words, I am a freelancer (or mercenary), but the first sentence sounds better ?
In my past life had been the R+D head in a couple of companies designing, manufacturing and deploying Telecom devices. I learnt a lot but got totally burnt and a moment arrived when my learning curve was negative. This happened about 9 years ago.
Have thought several times, specially when things get hard as lately, to go back to civilization and get again a regular job, but something still retains me at the wild side.
Since you convert ideas and dreams into reality ... I dream of being a billionaire .. can you do something?

Alexander Stolte

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I am a software developer. I am working on a project to make it easier to manage data protection clients, generate detailed reports and keep track of them with dashboards.

I am trained as an IT specialist for system integration, but most of the time I was thinking about programming. UPS ?


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i have 2 jobs:

1. CNC-Programmer at ricor.com (Turning/Milling)
2. Husband :oops:

One is chosen the other is forced. you can guess by yourself wich one ;)
After 20 years married, the wife finds the husband late at night in the kitchen contemplating a bottle of bier...
Curious she asks what is he doing so late and why the long face...
-"remember that night, 20 years ago, when your dad caught us in the back seat of my car?"...
-"yes" she said, he treaten you with 20 years in jail...."
-" exactly ... today I would be a free man..."


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I am a software developer. I am working on a project to make it easier to manage data protection clients, generate detailed reports and keep track of them with dashboards.

I am trained as an IT specialist for system integration, but most of the time I was thinking about programming. UPS ?
You're practically the only weird on this forum, you are a developer.... BLAAAAA ??


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I dream of being a billionaire

i don't know about billionaires but in Israel, it is the easiest place to become a millionaire. all you need to do is come here as a billionaire and you will very soon become a millionaire ;)

Alexander Stolte

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what you are only 22?
in half a year unfortunately already 23. :rolleyes:
you joined this forum when you were only 17 years old?
no, i joined in december, when i was already half a year 18 ?
This forum is strictly prohibited for children under 36. You must be of age double better if triple
Who knows if i still have the desire, time and motivation to change the world at 36. Better now than later. :p
Am I the youngest expert member? :cool:o_O


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started programming at the age of 10

what were you using to code 30 years ago?

like a lot of people, coding was for me something that only genius people can do. In 2006 I start investigating it a little bit (because of a college in my work) and realized that also "simple" people can code and this is why I started learning it.
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I just resigned last week as senior software developer. I am giving 3 months of notice. I hope I can take a break after this and focus on creating a Point of Sales system using B4X.
we have a great POS system - source for sale ;) :

*My regular job :
asp.net / Microsoft SQL / B4X / native android / vb.net windows forms / Graphics designer
you could say am "All in One " lol :)

John Naylor

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what were you using to code 30 years ago?

like a lot of people, coding was for me something that only genius people can do. In 2006 I start investigating it a little bit (because of a college in my work) and realized that also "simple" people can code and this is why I started learning it.
I too started coding 30 / 35 years ago. 8 bit computers were just becoming available to the masses. I personally started on a Sinclair ZX-81 in BASIC which got me really interested but it was so SLOW. I happened to read an article in a magazine at the time that mentioned Assembly language and gave some simple examples. I was instantly hooked on the challenge so walked a few miles to my local library and checked out several books on Z80A Assembly.

Years later when PC's became available I wrote a few accounting systems which I started in GWBasic but when Borland released their Turbo C language I made the swap.


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Retired, registered a company, juggling B4X - house and cottage renovation work - woodwork products for sale - against each other (and, of course, the instructions of She Who MUST Be Obeyed]

Used to work in academia as a map keeper / programmer (database / custom download software for digital maps and images -> collection of data off warm-bloods on treadmill-walkways-body composition etc etc..)

i forgot : managing the Group-W bench.

Nope - he's struggling because he can't play the guitar AND hold the cap out - maybe he can't even play the guitar.
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