What's your 'regular' job?


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I feel the envy dripping off me I really wanted a Sea King!
I was very lucky to fly the Sikorsky S61N... That was the civilian version of the Sea King. She was a fabulous machine to fly. No vices and just punched through all the weather the North Sea could throw at her.


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I have worked in Electronics Engineering side of things for over 20 years, I have worked in various companies such as Medical Equipment, to Onboard Charging equipment for electric vehicles and now I work for Snapchat inc, you know App Snapchat, I am the Lab Manager for their Electrical Engineering Department, I actually love working here now as I get to implement my own ideas and the best part is that I get to do it with B4X, keep in mind that this is a huge company with a lot of financial resources, and I feel very glad that finally my work with B4X is being noticed.

I just recently released a small web app i wrote using ABMaterial, I mainly wrote it to help me around the Lab to help me keep track of Electronic Equipment and Electronic components, it is a very simple web app but very powerful and really helps me keep track of things in a more efficient way, the web app was designed to be dynamic as it can create tableviews on the run so that more projects can be added.

I have also implemented many Android apps that help me run quick tests on a few projects we are working on, this apps vary anywhere from testing cameras, to running temperature tests to running wifi speed tests. It is very satisfying being able to write an app in a short amount of time with B4X, i have been trying a few of the Software Engineers to give B4X a try and i believe I have finally succeded, with the ABMaterial web app, my boss just reached out to me and said it was a very cool web app, and asked if he could share it with other departments across the organization and that if it could be expanded to do other things.

Here are a few screenshots of the web app, i am very happy to see that there are a lot of you guys who are in the Engineering field, I really believe there is great potential here, i have been saying this for a long time every since I came across B4X, if a few of us put our heads together we can come up with something that could make us millionaires, I wouldn't mind becoming a millionaire, specially if it that something can make a difference in the world and help others as well, this is how companies are founded.

Equipment Tracking Tab
Creating new Project tableview
Keeps a history of where and who takes components.

Thanks for this thread, and congrats to everyone who has been able to leverage B4X at their places of work.



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btw if we are already talking about everybody's 'regular' job. i was chosen for "the worker of the month" for 12/2020. i was informed about that a few days ago ?
the funny thing is that they put your picture with the congrats text in the "news slideshow" of the company on all monitors for a whole month
a little bit embarrassing.


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Of course, if your photo is that of your avatar, that thing is really embarrassing ?

actually, I don't look too much different than my avatar. I just don't have so many lego bricks inside me but beyond that, it pretty much identical to me.


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i was chosen for "the worker of the month"
CONGRATULATIONS : I was never able to rig that election either.

Suggested new work-wear that will save embarrassment : with alternative LEGO version


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I have been working for 20 years in an energy corporation in the GIS (Geographic Interface System) department on the ESRII platform. I am ingesting the modelling of the digital data of the power grid. A few years ago, I gave up my additional it services company from cable to printer to Linux servers. From the age of 10 as I appeared with me ZX Spectrum interested me as it happens that the man moves around the screen. That's how Basic programming started. Then very long Delphi and several projects including hobbyist. For several years only B4X and Python. Now I write everything from different fields under the client from B4J servers, Android and now more and more ABMaterial. He always wants to release something of his in the end to GooglePlay or another web service, but I never have time to finish a few projects started. I am currently finishing another store in ABMaterial under the customer's VPN and are already waiting for 2 more talks about the next programs for a large company in the photovoltaic industry.
However, the dream is to finally have time to run unfinished projects.


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I am a physicist and wrote programs for medical problems, starting with Assembler, Focal, Basic, Fortran, Turbo Pascal, Delphi, VBasic. My son follow me and became a professional programmer and is studying for graduate school. He can do everything in any language and on any platforms. He is very respect B4X as well.
Currently I am working for an R&D company developing devices and software in the field of integrative medicine - diagnostics, energy recovery, big data analysis. Everything is very good. My application running in a B4X environment supports the device connected to the server and allows you to remotely control the body's recovery energy as recommended by a specialist.
The program uses a large number of libraries, and I must say, almost all the questions that I need to solve, I found in the forum and examples. Thank you guys for your support and special thanks to Erel for making it so easy to write programs and ongoing support.
comparison of X-Ray spine diagnostics with non-invasive ones according to active zones.
energy recovery due to possible reasons, using EHF modulation with low frequency.


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For 8 years, together with a colleague and the USA, I have been automating music in shops and cafes. Now in 74 countries. Excellent helpers in this are my software products created on B4X. I work from my apartment in Russia (without a mask). Before that he worked for FM radio for many years. I am still young. I will soon be 49 years old
Still younger than me @51


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Hi, everyone!
I'm currently working on a Windshields factory on rotative shifts for the last 17 years.
Full time father of 2 9.9 Richter scale earthwakes, husband (this means, plumber, painter, stonemason, IT guy...)
On may free time (stolen sleep time, usually) I develop Web apps and mobile apps...
Also worked as barman, ambulance driver, grist, electrician...
i was chosen for "the worker of the month" for 12/2020.
Let's imagine they choose you as Cover of the company magazine all over the world... and you know it... when you receive the magazine... They took this photo while i was working... had no idea abou that... Imagine the jokes of your partners... for the last 7 years...


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I am an electrical technician and automation technician by education. Electronics and programming are my passion and my life. I have my own company that deals with the assembly of all kinds of electrical and teletechnical installations (alarm systems, observation television, computer networks, etc.). I also design various types of electronic circuits on request. I also have some apps in the google store and App Store...

I started programming many years ago - I started with Bascom and Delphi and now I'm very much involved in Arduino and B4...
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