Which Android 7" to avoid


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If this is off topic please say or perhaps create a new forum for discussion.
I am very interested in this new venture as a future user and if I can be given some assistance in which of the many 7" devices to avoid I might end up with one upon which to develop with the new Basic4Android.
I have studied many and discovered that anything before version 2 cannot be upgraded firmware-wise and the latest I can find is v2.1.

Does anybody have a view on a really nice 7" tablet but not very expensive, say up to £200. Difficult and it is probably a minefield, but maybe some experience exists on the forum.


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The way I see it, the Samsung Galaxy Tab is the only Android tablet even worth buying. The other tablets are just giant low-end smartphones.
The Galaxy Tab is running Android 2.2 and will be upgradeable to 3.0.
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I am looking at: Nationite MIDnite (Wits A81E) 7 Android 2.2 Tablet - A8 Cortex [MIDnite_PRE3] - $209.50 : MP4 Nation!, :: Low Priced MP4, MP3 Players and the latest scoop on the newest MP4 Player, it is much cheaper then galaxy.
I had a chat with one of their agents, he said that most of the problems they had were solved already.
I believe there is no need to rush, the market is changing every day and products just get better and cheaper.
I am going to play with emulator to understand the machine until the program is ready.
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ExcludeReality: I watched the Galaxy video and it does look slick. Price is the issue, and I don't want phone services, so a device without will probably be cheaper.
The Wits A81E is one I kept coming back to and it looks exactly what I want, but not sure about problems and upgradeability.
I shall look at the others you mention derez.

Has anybody actually got one?
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I mentioned only one. You can chat with the seller's agent from the site page and ask directly about the problems like I did, but the best is like you say - check with someone who has it.
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Retrofitting GPS receiver under android

Hello together!

I'm also looking for a new android pad, but I need a gps-receiver. The offers of pads with gps are very low. I have searched several forums about retrofitting a gps receiver under android and the only thing I found is, that android 2.0 supports bluetooth. Is it possible to connect the android pad with a bluetooth gps-dongle or perhaps a usb-gps? And do I need a special android-driver to connect?

Thanks for answer....
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Dear Schimanski - I don't know anything about that one, but if you get one I would be very interested in hearing your opinion about it !:)
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@ BjörnF!!

I have ordered one yesterday, but the only problem is, that it is the christmas-present from my wife to me. I think, it will be very difficult to test the device without my wife knows it. But, i will do my very best and report....
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@ Björn and all interested!!!

I've got the 10"- Flytouch II (CEM 111) and I have used the changes to make a short test:

I have ordered in China over the cect-shop with china-post. It takes one week to send it to me to germany. I have payed 149,- EURO for the tablet, 19,90- for the shipping and 19,80- Euro douane. Beside the features you can get from the link above, the tablet looks very pretty, but is also very heavy for such a device. After switching on, the device is ready to work in under 60 seconds. The android 2.1 seems to work something idly. It reacts on each touch with a light delay, so that I can't belive, that it is a realy 1Ghz-chip. Every options works very fine. The weak point of the device is the display. Now you can see, that it is a cheap-china-device: The display can in fact pressed by fingers, but it feels like a foil, which have a little distance to the rather display, so it is not good enough to touch the screen. You have to push a little bit more to activate the rather display. The second problem of the display is, that there is only a small angel, in which you can realize the index of the screen.
Overall i think, the tablet is o.k. for the price and the performace will perhaps be better with an update to android 2.2. The only thing, that doesn't works yet, is the connection with the IDE. I think, I have to experiment some times with the informations of agrahams 'connecting to the IDE'-thread.

I hope, I could help.....
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I think Archos 70 Internet Tablet is the best 7" Android device with powerfull specs, reasonable price.
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Galaxy Tab emulator settings

I was trying to test out my sample program on various devices through the AVD and found one that works well for Samsung Galaxy Tab.

To get the official Samsung Galaxy Tab emulator do the following:

1. Open the Android SDK and AVD Manager
2. Click on Available packages
3. Expand the Third party Add-ons. There you will see Samsung Electronics add-ons.
4. Once the add-on is installed create a new emulator. Under Target you will see the new Samsung Tab settings, select that.

Hope it's useful.... 8))
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Huawei s7

I have now had my Huawei s7 for a month, it is a good device the screen is resistive and is not as responsive as my phone but there is a knack to it and when you get it its not bad. It has android 2.1, GPS, 3G phone but best of all the price was right..$AU299.00 which came with 3Gb data bonus starter and bonus call starter. The battery life is not that long but I have tried some apps that help a little I just have to keep an eye on it, it is has a removable battery and when I can get a spare that will help. This unit was from Telstra our largest Telco carrier but I see it is also available on ebay. I believe the Galaxy may be more "iPad" like to use but the price reflects that. I find my apps made in b4a run well on it and in the future I will make my apps with 2 activity layouts one for the phone and one to use the full 7" tablet screen.
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I would agree with Susu, the Archos tablets are hard to beat for quality/price/performance.

I have an Archos 101, which I managed to get just before the holidays here in the UK. They are really difficult to get hold of - one of our suppliers is the main UK distributor and managed to get us 6, so I took the first one. All the others were sold within 24 hours. Next UK stock is supposed to be mid-January.

It has a capacitive screen, Android 2.2, 8Gb or 16Gb on-board, USB client socket and Micro-SDHC slot. Its a bit big, with the same resolution as the Galaxy Tab, but a bigger screen. The screen is the biggest problem, as may apps available don't use it to the full.

It appears to be much better built than the general run of Chinese models, and as we sell them at retail, I have tested three or four different ones now. No GPS or phone, but it is a tablet first and aimed at Video, Music and entertainment.

I love it :sign0060: Now all I need to do is find something to develop for it. :)

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