iOS Question White bar on iPhone Xs


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Does anybody know, why the tabstrip shows a white bar under the pages on iPhone Xs? This doesn't happens on iPhone 8:

iphone xs.PNG

iphone 8.PNG


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I'm adding the table to the pages with the following code. The bar is only shown in portrait, not in landscape-mode:
for i=1 to Count
   tabpage(i).Initialize("tabpage" & i)  
   tabpage(i).Title = Name(i)
   table(i).Initialize(Me, "Table" & i, 8)
   table(i).AddToParent(tabpage(i).RootPanel, 0, 0,100%x, 100%y)
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I will try to make a short project. For this moment, there is also a behavior, that can help: On IPhone 8, the white bar also exists, when the iphone shows some informations like number of devices which are connected to the hotspot in the blue statusbar on top.
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Here a small project of my app.

Thanks for help!


    8.5 KB · Views: 362
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B4X founder
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I see it as well. It looks like a limitation of the underlying library related to devices with notch.

This code should fix it:
Sub MainPage_Resize (Width As Float, Height As Float)
   If TabStrip1.IsInitialized And App.OSVersion >= 11 Then
       Dim no As NativeObject = TabStrip1
       Dim window As NativeObject = App
       window = window.GetField("keyWindow")
       Dim f() As Float = window.ArrayFromEdgeInsets(window.RunMethod("safeAreaInsets", Null))
       If f(1) > 0 Then
           Dim Container As View = no.GetField("containerView")
           Dim PrevTop As Int = Container.Top
           Container.Top = 44 - f(1)
           Container.Height = Container.Height + PrevTop -
       End If
   End If
End Sub
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