I will try to make a short project. For this moment, there is also a behavior, that can help: On IPhone 8, the white bar also exists, when the iphone shows some informations like number of devices which are connected to the hotspot in the blue statusbar on top.
I see it as well. It looks like a limitation of the underlying library related to devices with notch.
This code should fix it:
Sub MainPage_Resize (Width As Float, Height As Float)
If TabStrip1.IsInitialized And App.OSVersion >= 11 Then
Dim no As NativeObject = TabStrip1
Dim window As NativeObject = App
window = window.GetField("keyWindow")
Dim f() As Float = window.ArrayFromEdgeInsets(window.RunMethod("safeAreaInsets", Null))
If f(1) > 0 Then
Dim Container As View = no.GetField("containerView")
Dim PrevTop As Int = Container.Top
Container.Top = 44 - f(1)
Container.Height = Container.Height + PrevTop - Container.top
End If
End If
End Sub