Entire project is attached so you can see the spreadsheet.
Line 11 of the code below with the Log statement returns 65535 as the number of rows in the spreadsheet when there are actually 1397.
Any ideas?
Line 11 of the code below with the Log statement returns 65535 as the number of rows in the spreadsheet when there are actually 1397.
Any ideas?
Load Table:
Sub LoadTable(Dir As String, FileName As String)
Dim workbook1 As ReadableWorkbook
Dim TodoSheet As ReadableSheet
workbook1.Initialize(Dir, FileName)
TodoSheet = workbook1.GetSheet(0)
If table1.IsInitialized Then
Activity.RemoveAllViews 'remove the current table
End If
table1.Initialize(Me, "Table1", 5) 'The last value here sets the number of columns in the table that shows on the screen.
table1.AddToActivity(Activity, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
Log("TodoSheet.RowsCount = "&TodoSheet.RowsCount)
For row = 0 To TodoSheet.RowsCount - 1
'Dim values(5) As String
coll = 0
For i = 0 To 17 'i is the column number. values.Length is from the Dim values(6) line a few lines up.
If i = 1 Or i = 2 Or i = 5 Or i = 6 Or i = 17 Then
coll = coll + 1
Todos(coll,row) = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(i, row)
If i = 1 And Todos(coll,row) = "" Then
LastTodo = i
End If
End If