Android Question Why two Root.LoadLayout()'s in example camEx2?


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The Camera2 example contains the following piece of code. You can see that there are two Root.LoadLayout() sub calls. What's the purpose? if it's not a hidden feature, could someone show me where I can read about the related documentation?
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    VideoFileDir = rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("")
    VideoFileName = "1.mp4"
    buttons = Array(btnScene, btnAutoExposure, btnEffects, btnFocus, btnMode)
    SetState(False, False, VideoMode)
End Sub

William Lancee

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First, LoadLayout is not over-riding. When the two layouts are loaded all the views in both are in the root node tree.
(And you could add more, either as layout files or with AddView)
Second, I looked at the code and it is a marvel of hiding and showing views as needed.
(If you think like I do, that code could be - it is beautiful)
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