Hi all,
I made a widget that shows the name of the saints for each day and I have two questions:
1. After installation, it takes around 20 seconds for widget to be populated. It takes data from database file. Question is why it takes so much time to fetch data from DB and is it maybe normal?
2. I need to update my widget once a day, at midnight, or minute after. For my widget I took a widget example from forum and adjusted it to my needs (at least I think so ).
For testing purposes I put a counter (x) to increase by 1 when widget is updated. for update I try to use TimeToNextMinute. What happens is that when I install the widget, counter increases by two immediately (it should not increase until first "controlled" update) and exactly 1 minute after specified time counter starts to tick veeery fast.
So my big question is: What am I doing wrong?
Below is the widget code
I made a widget that shows the name of the saints for each day and I have two questions:
1. After installation, it takes around 20 seconds for widget to be populated. It takes data from database file. Question is why it takes so much time to fetch data from DB and is it maybe normal?
2. I need to update my widget once a day, at midnight, or minute after. For my widget I took a widget example from forum and adjusted it to my needs (at least I think so
For testing purposes I put a counter (x) to increase by 1 when widget is updated. for update I try to use TimeToNextMinute. What happens is that when I install the widget, counter increases by two immediately (it should not increase until first "controlled" update) and exactly 1 minute after specified time counter starts to tick veeery fast.
So my big question is: What am I doing wrong?
Below is the widget code
Sub Service_Create
rv = ConfigureHomeWidget("wdgKatKal", "rv", 0, "Katolicki kalendar")
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
If StartingIntent.Action = "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_DELETED" Then Return
If rv.HandleWidgetEvents(StartingIntent) = False Then
End If
If StartingIntent.Action <> "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_DISABLED" Then
StartServiceAt("", TimeToNextMinute, False)
End If
End Sub
Sub rv_RequestUpdate
mnt = DateTime.GetMonth(DateTime.Now) 'find the current month
yr = DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now) 'find the current year
DateTime.DateFormat = "d.M.yyyy" ' bila je tu točka na kraju
DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
'saint of the day'
dbC = dbS.ExecQuery2 ("SELECT sveci,d,m,blagdan,pomicni_blag_"&yr&" FROM 'KatKalendar' WHERE m = ? AND d = ?", Array As String(mnt,DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now)))
dt = dbC.GetString("d")+x
datum = dt&"."&mnt&"."&yr&"."
dan = Days_hr(DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(DateTime.Now))
End Sub
Sub rv_Disabled
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub
Sub Database
Dim ruta As String
If File.ExternalWritable Then
ruta = File.DirDefaultExternal
ruta = File.DirInternal
End If
'# Always copy new DB file
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "kalendar.db", ruta, "kalendar.db")
dbS.Initialize(ruta, "kalendar.db", True)
End Sub
Sub TimeToNextMinute As Long
Dim ret As Long
ret = ret + DateTime.TicksPerMinute
ret = ret - (ret Mod DateTime.TicksPerMinute)
Return ret
End Sub