Wish [WISH] XMPP Library


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XMPP additional reference

Poking around some more, the following is quite a nice simple introduction/approach to starting an implementation of xmpp in java, (but using smack not asmack which it would have to be of course).

Smack, XMPP, and GTalk - CodeProject

Beem seems to be the only updated/supported implementation I can find.

How much Shandy can you drink?


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looking better on the Beem pages, I see that 13 days ago they switched from version 7 of aSmack to a version 16 maintained by Florian Shmauss of the Beem team (Revision 1005:4c7edc276676 - BEEM - Android XMPP - BEEM - Android XMPP Application).
In the File page (Files - BEEM - Android XMPP - BEEM - Android XMPP Application) it is available and in the repository pages, under /libs you can also find the jar file:
/libs - Repository - BEEM - Android XMPP - BEEM - Android XMPP Application



Smack isn't compatible with Android OS. aSmack is for Android.
And - as reported in my last post - I seen that the team of Beem have switched from the aSmack version 7 (the last, old one released) to a version 16, maintained by one of the Beem team !
For me, this sounds like "aSmack is alive again" !!!
I have tried Beem and it run well...



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hey, people ....
no more news regarding xmpp ?

Warwound, have you seen something or you haven't time to spend on this porting ?



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Apples and oranges

Really what somebody smarter than me needs to figure out is how to take asmack and make a B4A library out of it.

The ability to be able to send XMPP messages from within an app is probably the highest thing on my wishlist right now. I have SMS working but I need to interface in to Gtalk and other XMPP based messaging AND need the ability to send files/images etc. This would be particularly useful for tablets/devices without phone capabilities. At the moment I have to resort to Email for non phone devices, but it's not real time enough.



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:-( no intrest for xmpp on B4A ?

I read also that Whatsup use an XMPP based protocol with something of different just to close its network to other XMPP client ...

I think it was very useful for Android Development to be able to use XMPP with an own server or with the GTALK/Hangout server .... nor ??

Martin (Warwound), have you seen something or you haven't time to spend on this porting ?

>> no news = i've been busy (working) on other things = no good news!
>>To be honest i was expecting Smee or others to do some research and find
>>out which is the best most up to date and currently maintained 3rd party
>>XMPP library to wrap...

As i wrote on this post, I think that library may be a good solution.
What do you think ?

I am always available to offer some shady for your time.



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I seen this post on stackoverflow.com (link)

All XMPP Android Apps I am aware of use aSmack somehow.

Beem changes the asmack build process to use a fixed revision of the officially svn of smack. Also they add aditional functionality to smack within their source. Their asmack lib can be found here
If you use the standard smack repo from asmack, https://github.com/rtreffer/smack, you will get a heavily patched smack 3.1.0 with improved bytestreams and Entity Capabilities (XEP-0115) support.
asmack development has stalled so far, as the original author of asmack seems to focus now on AsmackService, which follows a more lightweight approach than a ported smack for android, specially designed for smartphones, but afaik only with basic stanza sending/receiving features.
I currently use asmack with my own fork of smack for my project. The fork contains at the moment some additional patches, is in sync with upstream smack development and works very well for me. I have tested so far:

Sending and receiving files
via IBB
via Socks Proxies
via Local Socks Proxy
DNS SRV lookups
Service Discovery
Entity Capabilities
In-Band Registration
My aSmack fork - the build environment for smack - can be found on GitHub. Jar's can be found @ asmack.freakempire.de. The Smack version used by aSmack can be found here: https://github.com/Flowdalic/smack

Suggestions, improvements and merge requests are always welcome. :)



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I need XMPP lib too.
A friend of me can do this. But he need money. Maybe we make a Kickstarter
Projekt. I would pay between 200-500€ for this. So if you are also interessted and can pay some money for this I tell him to make a Kickstarter for programming a free B4A XMPP lib.
