Wish [WISH] XMPP Library


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XMPP additional reference

Poking around some more, the following is quite a nice simple introduction/approach to starting an implementation of xmpp in java, (but using smack not asmack which it would have to be of course).

Smack, XMPP, and GTalk - CodeProject

Beem seems to be the only updated/supported implementation I can find.

How much Shandy can you drink?


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Smack isn't compatible with Android OS. aSmack is for Android.
And - as reported in my last post - I seen that the team of Beem have switched from the aSmack version 7 (the last, old one released) to a version 16, maintained by one of the Beem team !
For me, this sounds like "aSmack is alive again" !!!
I have tried Beem and it run well...



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hey, people ....
no more news regarding xmpp ?

Warwound, have you seen something or you haven't time to spend on this porting ?



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Apples and oranges

Really what somebody smarter than me needs to figure out is how to take asmack and make a B4A library out of it.

The ability to be able to send XMPP messages from within an app is probably the highest thing on my wishlist right now. I have SMS working but I need to interface in to Gtalk and other XMPP based messaging AND need the ability to send files/images etc. This would be particularly useful for tablets/devices without phone capabilities. At the moment I have to resort to Email for non phone devices, but it's not real time enough.



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:-( no intrest for xmpp on B4A ?

I read also that Whatsup use an XMPP based protocol with something of different just to close its network to other XMPP client ...

I think it was very useful for Android Development to be able to use XMPP with an own server or with the GTALK/Hangout server .... nor ??

Martin (Warwound), have you seen something or you haven't time to spend on this porting ?

>> no news = i've been busy (working) on other things = no good news!
>>To be honest i was expecting Smee or others to do some research and find
>>out which is the best most up to date and currently maintained 3rd party
>>XMPP library to wrap...

As i wrote on this post, I think that library may be a good solution.
What do you think ?

I am always available to offer some shady for your time.



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I seen this post on stackoverflow.com (link)



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I need XMPP lib too.
A friend of me can do this. But he need money. Maybe we make a Kickstarter
Projekt. I would pay between 200-500€ for this. So if you are also interessted and can pay some money for this I tell him to make a Kickstarter for programming a free B4A XMPP lib.

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