I am trying to get my head around the runtime permissions.
Under the IDE log it has 'List permissions'.
In the image below is the list of permissions it has listed for my app.
Do I need to request each of those permissions, or is there one that I request that might request multiple at the same time?
(I understand I only need to request it the once, even knowing it's listed multiple times)
I noticed that
(I know the Write_external_storage permission could be removed by using GetSafeDirDefaultExternal.)
Also what about the last permission. (${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE) how do I request that one? How do I request that one, as it looks like it's referencing the application ID ?
I am trying to get my head around the runtime permissions.
Under the IDE log it has 'List permissions'.
In the image below is the list of permissions it has listed for my app.
Do I need to request each of those permissions, or is there one that I request that might request multiple at the same time?
(I understand I only need to request it the once, even knowing it's listed multiple times)
I noticed that
(I know the Write_external_storage permission could be removed by using GetSafeDirDefaultExternal.)
Also what about the last permission. (${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE) how do I request that one? How do I request that one, as it looks like it's referencing the application ID ?