Other WS2812B Twinkle - same on other users string

Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I've been playing with a WS2812B string of leds (150 on this 5 meter string) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZHB9M6A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I was working on my Twinkle effect (see attached B4R program) and found it amazing that my routine only has one LED lit at at time but is doing it so fast (25 millseconds) that it appears like multiple LEDs are lit (only when I slowed it down to a second a change could I verify I was only lighting 1 LED at a time).

Posting the app so if someone else has a string like this they can check it out.

NOTE: Working (trying) to make routines which allow me to use the 1 strand of LEDs as multiple strands (starting and ending any where on the single strand). - You will see the other routines if you hit the Flash Button on your device if it has one.

Some of the problems I am finding is a Type cannot have arrays in it. So I tried to work around this the best I could.

Any suggestions welcome.

NOTE: Requires rAdafruitNeoPixel



Found a BUG - just updated 1/20/20 4:45pm EST


  • LEDStrip2.zip
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