Hi @Star-Dust
on B4J
I'm using a Webview + xHttpServer to create a webapp... is it possible to send and receive messages from the websocket client to the xHttpServer?
my code >
on B4J
I'm using a Webview + xHttpServer to create a webapp... is it possible to send and receive messages from the websocket client to the xHttpServer?
my code >
#Region Shared Files
#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe,"..\..\Shared Files" "..\Files"
'Ctrl + click to sync files: ide://run?file=%WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe&args=..\..\Shared+Files&args=..\Files&FilesSync=True
#End Region
'Ctrl + click to export as zip: ide://run?File=%B4X%\Zipper.jar&Args=Project.zip
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private WebView1 As WebView
Private Svr As httpServer
Private counter As Int = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
' B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
End Sub
Private Sub Svr_NewConection(req As ServletRequest)
Log("New connection: " & req.RemoteAddress )
End Sub
' Handle websocket request
Private Sub Svr_SwitchToWebSocket (req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
Select req.GetRequestURI
Case "/browser/ws"
Log("Svr_SwitchToWebSocket /browser/ws")
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Svr_HandleWebSocket (req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
Select req.GetRequestURI
Case "/browser/ws"
Log("Svr_HandleWebSocket /browser/ws")
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Svr_WebSocketClose(CloseCode As Int, CloseMessage As String)
Log($"Closed: ${CloseCode} - Error: ${CloseMessage}"$)
End Sub
Private Sub Svr_Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
Dim URI As String = req.GetRequestURI
Log($"Request (${req.ID}) URI: "$ & req.GetRequestURI)
If req.GetRequestURI="/" Or req.GetRequestURI="/index.html" Then
resp.ContentType = "text/html"
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Guess My Number - with web sockets!!!</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/b4j_ws.js"></script>
<div style="margin-left: 50px;">
<h1>Guess My Number - with web sockets!!!</h1>
Enter number: <input type="text" id="txtnumber"></input>
<button type="button" id="btnguess">Guess!</button><br/><br/>
<button type="button" id="btnreset">Reset secret number</button><br/>
<p id="result"></p>
<p id="servertime">Server time: </p>
$(document).ready(function() {
Else If (req.GetRequestURI="/b4j_ws.js") Then
resp.ContentType = "application/javascript"
//B4J WebSockets client library v0.9
/*jslint browser: true*/
/*global $, jQuery, WebSocket*/
/*jshint curly: false */
"use strict";
var b4j_ws;
var b4j_closeMessage = false;
//only called as a result of a server request that is waiting for result.
//this method should not be called in any other case.
function b4j_sendData(data) {
b4j_ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: "data", data: data}));
function b4j_raiseEvent(eventName, parameters) {
try {
if (b4j_ws.readyState !== 1) {
if (b4j_closeMessage === false) {
window.console.error("connection is closed.");
window.alert("Connection is closed. Please refresh the page to reconnect.");
b4j_closeMessage = true;
} else {
b4j_ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: "event", event: eventName, params: parameters}));
} catch (e) {
function b4j_addEvent(selector, event, eventName, preventDefault) {
var obj = $(selector);
if (obj.length > 0) {
obj.on(event, function (e) {
if (preventDefault) {
b4j_raiseEvent(eventName, {which: e.which, target: e.target.id, pageX: e.pageX, pageY: e.pageY, metaKey: e.metaKey});
function b4j_addAutomaticEvents(data) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
b4j_addEvent("#" + value.id, value.event, value.id + "_" + value.event, true);
function b4j_runFunction(func, params) {
return window[func].apply(null, params);
function b4j_eval(params, script) {
var f = new Function(script);
return f.apply(null, params);
function b4j_connect(absolutePath) {
if (typeof WebSocket === 'undefined') {
window.alert("WebSockets are not supported by your browser.");
var l = window.location, fullpath;
fullpath = ((l.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://") + l.hostname + ":" + l.port + absolutePath;
b4j_ws = new WebSocket(fullpath);
b4j_ws.onmessage = function (event) {
var ed = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (ed.etype === "runmethod") {
$(ed.id)[ed.method].apply($(ed.id), ed.params);
} else if (ed.etype === "runmethodWithResult") {
b4j_sendData($(ed.id)[ed.method].apply($(ed.id), ed.params));
} else if (ed.etype === "setAutomaticEvents") {
} else if (ed.etype === "runFunction") {
b4j_runFunction(ed.prop, ed.value);
} else if (ed.etype === "runFunctionWithResult") {
b4j_sendData(b4j_runFunction(ed.prop, ed.value));
} else if (ed.etype === "eval") {
b4j_eval(ed.value, ed.prop);
} else if (ed.etype === "evalWithResult") {
b4j_sendData(b4j_eval(ed.value, ed.prop));
} else if (ed.etype === "alert") {
End If
End Sub
'You can see the list of page related events in the B4XPagesManager object. The event name is B4XPage.
Private Sub Button1_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Hello world!", "B4X")
End Sub