B4A Class XmlViewEx - Use standard Android Layouts in B4A

This class/library is a simple helper project I need sometimes to load standard Android layout files and access the views in them to set some properties. A common usecase is a preview and configuration activity for a homescreen widget (My example WorldClock widget uses an early version of this class).

It is provided as an example project. The main module has some example code for testing purposes.
The XmlViewEx class module contains the useful stuff. You can/should compile it to a library.
It depends on the Reflection and JavaObject libraries.

The XmlViewEx module only has the subs I needed so far. It is possible to extend it to access much more properties of views.

If you extend the class with new useful subs, please post them here so I can add them to the standard project.


  • XmlViewExtension2_0.zip
    88.1 KB · Views: 1,766