Android Question YouTube Streaming (not player)

Sergio Haurat

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I need to make "almost" a clone of this app to stream to YouTube. I'm not looking to play videos.

I need to know if B4X can:

0. Connect to the YouTube account (do not request it again) like vMix does (this is solved with OAuth2).
1. Check the list of upcoming events (with the right API, it's not actually the problem, but it's an important step)
2. Open the camera (previously select whether front or rear camera)
3. Show what the camera sees in a panel-type component (other components are added to the screen such as the score, minutes of play, etc.)
4. Press a button and transmit

- I asked the question to a user who knows with ffmpeg, who has not connected to B4X since last year
- I search GitHub for a Java project, the most recent one is 9 years old.

Does anyone think it is possible to create a library for my needs?


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Another alternative is to create your own live stream.


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Sergio Haurat

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Another alternative is to create your own live stream.


I need to send the camera to YouTube, not to a CCTV, I even saw that in the comments it did not work in all browsers, the post is also old, it is commented on Internet Explorer 11.
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Sergio Haurat

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regarding this java library
I see that it is still valid with some APIs
I don't know how to program in Java and as another user told me, the project is 9 years old. I put it as an example in another post in case someone with knowledge can try to update it.
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Sergio Haurat

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The options with javascript and PHP are not what I need. In the case of JavaScript, you would have to interact with an interpreter, such as a browser or a webview. For PHP I depend on a service somewhere else that receives the signal and sends it to YouTube, instead I checked and there is no class that does live streaming.

I think the only option will be to run the installed YouTube app itself (with an intent) and somehow pass the parameters to it, like some WhatsApp examples for sending a message. This methodology is beyond my understanding and I am not sure it is possible.
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