Private Sub BtnScan_Click
zx.isportrait = True
zx.useFrontCam = False
'change these factors between 0 and 1
'the library will limit the minimum size to 240 x 240 pixels and the maximum to (screen width) x (screen height pixels)
zx.theViewFinderXfactor = 0.7
zx.theViewFinderYfactor = 0.5
zx.theFrameColor = Colors.Blue
zx.theLaserColor = Colors.Yellow
zx.theMaskColor = Colors.argb(95, 0, 0, 255)
zx.theResultColor = Colors.Green
zx.theResultPointColor = Colors.White
'set the prompt messages
zx.theTopPromptMessage = "This was done......"
zx.theTopPromptTextSize = 5%y 'text size in pixels
zx.topPromptColor = Colors.Red
zx.topPromptDistanceFromTop = 1%y 'pixel distance from top
zx.theBottomPromptMessage = "Just for fun......"
zx.theBottomPromptTextSize = 5%y 'text size in pixels
zx.bottomPromptColor = Colors.Blue
zx.bottomPromptDistanceFromBottom = 5%y 'pixel distance from top
End Sub
Sub myzx_result(atype As String,Values As String,image As Bitmap)
Log("type:" & atype & "Values:" & Values)
'Msgbox(Values,"type:" & atype)
MsgboxAsync(Values,"type:" & atype)
End Sub