Screen Size And Resolution
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As different devices have different screen sizes and different resolutions, creating an application that runs fine on all devices is not a simple task.
The most common screen sizes are:
QVGA - 240 * 320, dpi: 96 * 96
VGA - 480 * 640, dpi: 192 * 192

As of version 6.80 some relevant tools were added.

Form.Width / Form.Height and ScreenScaleX / ScreenScaleY can be used to find the screen parameters at runtime and change the layout accordingly.

Another option is to use 'AutoScale' compilation mode.
AutoScale compiled applications are regular optimized compiled application.
The difference is that the application will try to automatically do all the required conversions between the lowest common denominator - QVGA screen, and the actual running screen.
In this mode Form.Width and Form.Height will return the same values as when running on a QVGA device. Same is true for all other "screen related" methods (including graphic functions).
ScreenScaleX and ScreenScaleY will still return the real values.

Device IDE
By default the device IDE will run in a forced simulated QVGA screen.
If you want to run the IDE on a high resolution screen and not in QVGA mode you can run Basic4ppc-VGA.exe which is located under Basic4ppc folder. Default location is \Program Files\Basic4ppc.
In most cases it is recommended to run Basic4ppc from the normal shortcut even on high resolution screens.

On the desktop it is possible to change the forms size.
It is done through Designer - Tools - Screen Size. It will change the size of all forms.