Smartphones Applications
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As of version 5.80, you can target Windows Mobile Smartphone devices as well.
The difference between a Smartphone device and a regular mobile device is that Smartphones do not have a touch screen.
If your device has a touch screen then it is not a Smartphone device.
Some controls are not useful without a touch screen and therefore are not supported (OS limitation).
The following controls are not supported:
·    Button
·    Calendar
·    ImageButton
·    ListBox
·    NumUpDown
·    RadioBtn
·    SaveDialog

The following external controls (available in the ControlsEx library) are not supported:
·    ContextMenu
·    TabControl
·    ToolBar
·    TrackBar
·    TreeView with checkboxes is not supported (TreeView without checkboxes is supported).

Each form can include up to two root menu items, and the leftmost menu item cannot include sub menus.
The Smartphone .Net Compact Framework 1.0 does not include System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.dll which is required for the Table control.
The dll should be copied together with the compiled application.
It could be found under the Libraries folder:
<drive>:\Program Files\Basic4ppc Desktop\Libraries

Some Smartphone devices are locked and require executables and dll files to be signed.
Note that Basic4ppc libraries are not signed.