B4J WebApp to execute commands on a Raspberry Pi. To manage a Raspberry Pi via WebBrowser on devices running f.e. Windows or Android or Raspberry Pi. This app has a jQuery Mobile Interface and communicates via WebSockets. Tested with serveral...
Hello to all. klaus original oscilloscope B4A link: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/oscilloscope.13759/ The whole program is the work of Mr. klaus. I just did run B4J. I translated the program oscilloscopio Mr. klaus made in B4A to...
This is my IDE to progam PHP, HTML and CSS Files on my Server. Sure there are better tools, but I love easy IDE with big fonts and nice colors :) Sub Process_Globals Dim ftp1 As FTP Private fx As JFX Private MainForm As Form Dim...
Google has released a large set of icons in material design for use in your apps. The newest set of these icons can be downloaded here: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons The problem with this great archive is that it contains many...
This program draws and spins a 3D cube. It is further to illustrate the possibility of designing small 3D objects using B4j. Suggestions are welcome.
Aim: Create a server that holds B4A library information in a easily searchable and linkable format. It needs to be easy to input data. And easy to find libraries. Implementation: It requires you to upload your library xml file to get critical...
This App is my B4J Learning Project. Now it works! :) I started programing similar applications about 10 years ago with B4P. Now B4A and B4J are the tools. B4J is very powerfull, but the use of libraries is hard to understand. Many questions for...
Hi All, Tinkerforge is an open source hardware platform of stackable microcontroller building blocks (Bricks) that can control different modules (Bricklets). The hardware can be controlled by external programs written in various languages, like...
Hello all, I finally decided to try my hand at using B4J properly and not just for testing simple little routines for my B4A apps. Here we have the smaller simpler desktop version of my published Android app. Just like the Android app, this...
Sharing my B4x Library Viewer (open source). Purpose: To have quick access to Library information. Read the Classes, Properties and the Methods with its Parameter and Return Types. The content of the library is listed in a Tableview with columns...
Developed a todoreader (open source) to view ToDo items for B4x apps. A project file and its modules are scanned for TODO tokens. The TODO token is by default 'TODO:. Example item in a B4X file: 'TODO: This is an item. Items found are added...
Based upon the new thread Code Snippets in the B4A forum, have developed (using B4J) a Code Snippet App. It was something on my ToDo list for a while, so this thread triggered to get it done. While developing, I explored further B4J features...
Brightness and Contrast Texturize Emboss Negative Warps Image Add Noise Mosaic Black and White Horizontal Edges Sepia Draw HLS Box
BA Notes is a small program to keep notes and snippets of code about a topic. Create Categories which are particular subjects of the overall topic. Add Items and Data for each Category. Search for particular words in the Items or Data areas...
Circle 3 points Lines Intersection" Tangents circle and external point Draw text along circle or ellipse Circle-Circle Intersections Line-Circle Intersections Cubic Spline Bezier curves Any suggestion for improvement of performance will be welcome.
'Emotion test program 'Adapted and modified from 'Rodney robot' 'Copyright (C) 2003 Bob Mottram 'Visual Basic 6 - free software
Here is an application to keep notes and to paste them into clipboard in very few clicks. Settings may be adjusted interactively or with a command line. It may be used : as a widget in "One Click Around" as a widget in any application as a...
Hi All, bit of fun :) using a Raspberry Pi to monitor emails and turn LED on if new email(s) found. Read the readme.txt or the document RPi-GPIO-Projects.pdf. On the RPi wiringPi must be installed. For B4J additional PI4J Libraries are required...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m98yhbotcejpixl/firstwindow.rar?dl=0 I am working on a project and I felt like sharing some simple code moving a pane is actually harder then moving an image view so the code to mouve a image view is even easier As...
This is my first toe in the water with an SQLlite db app in b4j. I picked a code snippet app as I will use it heaps myself. I know there are other snippets apps and they are great but this effort is super simple with only 3 fields snip name, snip...