Create a server that holds B4A library information in a easily searchable and linkable format.
It needs to be easy to input data. And easy to find libraries.
It requires you to upload your library xml file to get critical information. This code is adapter from Erel's form and upload tutorial.
The xml is parsed with a sax parser till we hit EndElement(Root). The information gained is libraryname, version, author, classes list.
This data is inserted into a simple SQLite table. (No duplicate checking is done).
The tables have the following fields: (libname,version,author,dependson,tags,description,forumlink,directlink)
On the Library list page, it uses a jQuery datatable (adapted from Erel's example on datatables). As I dont know how to do server-side filtering, the whole table is downloaded in a json array and fed to the datatable. The result is very fast filtering and searching.
Improvements required:
The project requires the following improvements:
- More annotations exported into the xml. A library description and class description annotation will help. This will mean it is easier to import the information without additional fields in the form.
- Database improvements in terms of structure and also fetching data. Concurrency. Duplication
- Prettier CSS and/or HTML
- Needs a host
How to run
Run the project with F5
In the browser navigate to localhost:51042
This is opensource, I may or may not work on this anymore.
Currently I dont have a VPS to host this on.
Thank you to @Erel for B4J and the tutorials, very useful and informative. I'm not a web guy, but it was enough for me to create a workable solution.
Create a server that holds B4A library information in a easily searchable and linkable format.
It needs to be easy to input data. And easy to find libraries.
It requires you to upload your library xml file to get critical information. This code is adapter from Erel's form and upload tutorial.
The xml is parsed with a sax parser till we hit EndElement(Root). The information gained is libraryname, version, author, classes list.
This data is inserted into a simple SQLite table. (No duplicate checking is done).
The tables have the following fields: (libname,version,author,dependson,tags,description,forumlink,directlink)
On the Library list page, it uses a jQuery datatable (adapted from Erel's example on datatables). As I dont know how to do server-side filtering, the whole table is downloaded in a json array and fed to the datatable. The result is very fast filtering and searching.
Improvements required:
The project requires the following improvements:
- More annotations exported into the xml. A library description and class description annotation will help. This will mean it is easier to import the information without additional fields in the form.
- Database improvements in terms of structure and also fetching data. Concurrency. Duplication
- Prettier CSS and/or HTML
- Needs a host
How to run
Run the project with F5
In the browser navigate to localhost:51042
This is opensource, I may or may not work on this anymore.
Currently I dont have a VPS to host this on.
Thank you to @Erel for B4J and the tutorials, very useful and informative. I'm not a web guy, but it was enough for me to create a workable solution.
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