B4J Tutorials

[BANanoVuetifyAD3] Deploying BANanoServer on Windows HTTP


The BANanoVuetifyAD3 BANanoServer kitchen sink was updated yesterday to favour HTTPS connections. This tutorial is necessary due to that otherwise if you have the old version of BVAD3...
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[ABMaterial] and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


I got and interesting question from Herbert asking how ABMaterial for B4J coped with SEO-optimization. As a lot of other...

[BANanoVuetifyAD3] Installing class templates to speed up development


A step by step process of how to install class templates to use in developing BANAnoVuetifyAD3 Apps.


Better Windows Services (for B4J)

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B4J CCTV example


This example is similar to the previous example...


  • CCTV-B4A.zip
    9.8 KB · Views: 2,718
  • CCTV-B4J.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 2,797

Turn your Raspberry Pi into a print Server and use it with B4J

This is not a B4J tutorial but since it can be used also with B4J to print documents I post it here. Read the following link:

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[BANano] (v7) Using Background Workers in your WebApps (introduction)

The next release of BANano will have the possibility to use background workers in your WebApps. It can not be added in a BANanoLibrary, so it must be done in your final project. Background...
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[BANano] (v7) Running Cron Jobs (in the background)

The next version of BANano (7) will have the ability to run Cron jobs!

A Cron is Timer like functionality that runs a certain job automatically at a specified time following a predifined...
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[BANano] (v7) New object BANanoRouter

BANanoRouter is a full blown Router with paths that will be standard included in the next release of BANano. It allows you to better organize your code in a PWA/SPA WebApp. It is based on the...

[NLP] Sentiment analysis


The "sentiment" feature in the example project, uses NLP document categorizer feature to find whether the text is negative or positive.
The dataset for the model contains movie...

[NLP] Library or Question?

[B4J server apps] Guide to run a Linux as a Windows 10 Subsystem

With the latest update for Windows 10 (version 1903), you can install a Linux distro as a Windows 10 Subsystem. This is very cool for us B4J developers as we can now very easily setup an...
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[Example]Using the Within Class Full Access Feature

When my assumptions are challenged I listen.
We all know Public variables and subs in a class are available to procedures external to the class.
But recently I learned from @LucaMs that...
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Setting a dynamic address IP in namecheap. Program + source

Namecheap.com is probably known to many as a domain provider. You can buy an interesting domain for our project for pennies. Some time ago I put my own small OpenMediaValue server on...

[B4XPages] Save the pages size and position

Add to B4XMainPage:
Type PagePosition (Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int, IsIconified As Boolean)
Private kvs As KeyValueStore
Public Sub SavePagePosition (Page...


  • Project.zip
    192.5 KB · Views: 501
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STARTTLS - upgrading a non-tls socket to a tls socket.

Upgrading from a non-tls connection to a tls connection only makes sense when dealing with a protocol that specifically requires it. It is much simpler and also a bit more secure to start with a...


  • smtp.zip
    3.3 KB · Views: 394

B4J Primes Benchmark

I found this benchmark that tests the same algorithm in multiple programming languages and decided to test it in B4J.

I've implemented the two algorithms.

Sub Process_Globals

End Sub...

[example] [B4X] Control the desktop with your phone

This example shows how simple it is to create network solutions with B4J, B4A and B4i.

In this case the network communication is based on UDP.

It implements a remote desktop mouse, where the...


  • RemoteDesktopControl_B4J.zip
    2.6 KB · Views: 2,297
  • RemoteDesktopControl_B4A.zip
    9.3 KB · Views: 2,281
  • RemoteDesktopControl_B4i.zip
    4.1 KB · Views: 1,516
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[BANano] why you might need parseBool


I use a lot of parseInt and parseFloat when I code because even when I define the variables as Int, Double, Float etc, somewhere somehow mistakes happen, you find your app not working and...

[Tool] Integrated B4JPackager11 helper: PrepInstallerScript (with source code)

I was making the switch from Java 8 to Java 11 and wanted to use the 'Integrated B4JPackager11' as explained by @Erel in...


  • PrepInstallerScript.zip
    5.5 KB · Views: 444