B4J Tutorials

B4J on linux


After few adjustments B4J works fine on Ubuntu.
See picture;-)

If you want, I'll write a tutorial in french.
Looking for a translator .... If someone want it!

see you soon.
Capture du 2014-01-28 22_58_59.png

[B4X] How Resumable Subs work

This document is intended to add a little understanding as to how Resumable Subs actually work under the bonnet and is intended as a complement to how they are used as Erel explains in his...
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b4j max upload file size with nginx

Hi, today I have lost some time testing a B4j server app in a VPS, my app was supposed to help upload big files to the server. Locally, everything was working as expected, but when I have...

Using JavaObject and JavaFx - LineChart

To help with my own learning I have played with JavaObject and JavaFX to create linecharts.

Here are the 3 examples I have made I have ported the code directly from the Oracle...


  • 3-1.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 1,231
  • 3-4.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 1,008
  • 3-5.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 1,115
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PK ColorPicker for Windows and Mac

Have just finished making a Color Picker app for Windows & Mac (B4J v8.90 & jdk-11.0.1).
Thought someone might find this useful (specially newbies).

Screenshot (48).png
Screenshot (49).png

(Just my...


  • PKColorPicker.zip
    237.3 KB · Views: 419

jOpenCV Tutorial 2 - Image & Video (with VideoCapture) acquisition, and conversions to/from Mat objects.

From time to time, jOpenCV examples will be referenced in this tutorial. You can find the donwload link in the first post of the jOpenCV library thread
Syntax: when referencing...

jOpenCV Tutorial 1 - Syntax rules, Helper methods and Basic types

From time to time, jOpenCV examples will be referenced in this tutorial. You can find the donwload link in the first post of the jOpenCV library thread
Syntax: when referencing...

USB Serial Port + AsyncStreams + B4XBytesBuilder

Attached project code:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 600
    #MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form...


  • Serial_Test.zip
    2.6 KB · Views: 460
  • Arduino_Serial_Test.zip
    554 bytes · Views: 377

✅ [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4J 'Erel Says' hand, eye memory game - Newer developers

Hello to you all,
I decided to recreate this simple but effective game example, the game is based on the B4XPages library. The game is designed for hand, eye and memory coordination, so I called...

? [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4J recreating Google Trends results with xCharts - Newer developers

Hello to you all,
Here is an extremely simple example on how to easily recreate Google Trends results using B4XPages with B4j and the xChart library. In this example I used Google...
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[ABMaterial]: Me like Donuts


So me runs into this nice charting library, morris chart. Me see a nice donut. Me likes donut.


Their examples are quite nice and straight forward and easy to implement...
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[server] jOkHttpUtils2 - server version

OkHttpUtils2 methods are designed to be called on the main thread. This is the case in all platforms and configurations, except of B4J server solutions.

Starting from jOkHttpUtils2 v2.95 it is...
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B4J Server: Requesting and Installing SSL Certificate

I thought I would share how I requested and installed a SSL certificate for my B4J server.

In my case I used namecheap.com to purchase a $9 SSL certificate. I already had a domain name and a...
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✅ [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Simple B4J stock ticker app code using JSON REST API - Newer developers

Hello to you all,
Here is a simple example on retrieving data from a REST API requested using the JSON Generator (you could also use http URL download), the same JSON library is also used to parse...
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? [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Using B4J public internet IP address to create a BASIC weather app - Newer developers

Hello All
Here we have an simple example on how you use your desktop OS (in this example Windows) and public internet IP address in conjunction with OpenWeather API, this is just a simple example...
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[SOLVED][ABMaterial/BANano] BANano Libraries for ABMaterial - How to change Library Properties?

Hi Alain,

When "creating" custom libraries in B4X one can introduce a few properties, like Author, Version etc....
I tried using those properties, but it has no effect in the lib, I'm guessing...

[SOLVED][ABMaterial/BANano] BANano Libraries for ABMaterial - ID not found


I wanted to test the new feature of creating BaNano libs to use with ABMaterial...
I basically copied the hover example as it was what I needed for time being, and followed the...

MonoBuilder - Compile B4J programs on Linux or Mac

Don't use this builder. It is no longer maintained.

Mono is a Mac / Linux port of .Net Framework: http://www.mono-project.com/

Using Mono it is possible use B4JBuilder, the command...
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[BANano] Beginning Firebase Messaging


For the past 3 days, I've been trying to make this work. Eish. This is the implementation so far. We are not there yet.

1. You need a service worker file. We will create this after...
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[BANano] [SOLVED] What is the right way to use BANano.WaitFor?

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