B4J Tutorials

[ABMaterial] PGMenuCard - A composite Component

Hi Guys,

In a project I've recently started working, I saw the need to create a "Custom" component... But since ABMaterial already uses this denomination for ABMCustomComponents, I decided to...


  • PGMenuCard.bas
    6.3 KB · Views: 505

[BANano] A tabbed dialog to Login, Register, Forgot Password & Reset Password


For the next part of my project, I need functionality for anyone to apply online to the college. So I thought perhaps for the first part, one can just be provided with a single...
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Starting correct JRE (8 or 11) via batchfile (Windows)

This solves a very specific case that may just apply to me. For current development, I'm still on JDK version 8. But for future coding/testing, I also have JDK 11 installed. I often...

[BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 3.1 (A look an inline PHP)


NB: The code here explains the use of parameter based queries for CRUD

I have been exploring MySQL with BANano, this was previously done using external PHP files and thus using...


  • UOENowMySQL.bas
    1.9 KB · Views: 511
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[ABMaterial] BuildNavigationBar vs ConnectNavigationBar?


I want to show a NavigationBar, But in the demo there is a BuildNavigationBar And ConnectNavigationBar, what is the point of both?

I just use BuildNavigationBar and comment out...

[ABMaterial] Theming the Framework - Canceled


The Theming series has been canceled!
Hi guys, I have decided to cancel the Theming series for 2 or 3 mains reasons:

* Tackling one component...
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[SQLite] Make Custom Functions and Regex

SQLite3 has the REGEXP keyword. That means we can do SQLite queries like
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 REGEXP '\d+[a-z]+\d*';

Unfortunately, the REGEXP keyword references an SQLite...


  • SQLiteREGEXP.zip
    2 KB · Views: 638

[BANanoSQL] Understanding CRUD logic with ExecuteCallBack

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[ABMaterial] Theming the Framework

ABMaterial Framework for WebApps


Definition (Wikipédia):

Theming refers to "the use of an overarching theme...to create a holistic and integrated...
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[server] Run a Server on a VPS

The steps required to run a B4J server on a hosted server (such as a VPS) are:

1. Download Java...
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[BANano] UOEGridTable IconRenderer


This tut is based on the BANano based library here.

The ICONRENDERER is a column render to ensure that icons in your rows are rendered. These can be material and fontawesome icons...

[BANano] UOEGrid Column Renderer - Let's display images etc


This tut is based on this lib here, [BANano] UOEGridTable.

A question popped up about how I can display images, or perhaps other icons in grid columns. After some researching I noted a...
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[Tool] WindowsStorePackager - publish your App to the Windows Store

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[BANano] Creating Connected Grid Tables with UOEGridTable

[BANano] Creating Master Details Grid with UOEGridTable

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B4XTable + jPoi + Excel Workbook

It is very simple to read data from an Excel workbook and show it with B4XTable.

The almost complete code:


  • B4XTableWithExcel.zip
    29.3 KB · Views: 1,146
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[BANano] MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2


Kinda excited that this is starting to form a shape. This second part of the tutorial deals with reading the users from the MySQL users table and then displaying them in a...


  • BANanoMySQL.zip
    4.6 KB · Views: 718
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Raspberry Pi B4J UI Applications with Liberica JDK

Tutorial Raspberry Pi B4J UI Applications with Liberica JDK v20180513

To build B4J UI applications, using the Liberica JDK10, running on the Raspberry Pi.
This tutorial covers...


  • B4JHowToRPiLiberica.zip
    189.4 KB · Views: 836
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[B4J] A solution for SQL Brute force Protection

Hi there,

I want to share a tactic / a small guard for MySQL/MariaDB DataBases..

Well all we know that having a Database online and not in localhost is difficult to protect from...


  • MBB.zip
    14.9 KB · Views: 476
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[BANano] Capture webcam, microphone, screen

BANano 2.38+ contains a new library: BANanoMediaRecorder which allows you to capture video, audio or the screen (depends on the browsers what is allowed!)

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