B4J Tutorials

[ABMaterial] Speed preview in 3.81!

ABMaterial has always been one of the fastest RADs from its start, now over 2 years ago. And this dispite being a very big library. But with 3.81 (4.0?), we'll take it to a whole new level...
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[Pen&Paper]: ABMaterial Stats

As part of my ABMaterial explorer tendencies, I delved on working on a dashboard that will give stats about the previous and latest version of ABMaterial. This is based on 3.5 and 3.75 libraries...
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[WebApp] Chatroom - Threads, Sessions and Server events


Online example: http://basic4ppc.com:51042/chat/index.html

This example demonstrates several important...


  • Chatroom.zip
    6.8 KB · Views: 1,832
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Msgbox / InputList

Simple message box:
fx.Msgbox(MainForm, "This is the message", "This is the title")

Message box with result:

3D MeshView

This is a tiny tutorial on how to load a .obj file into a 3d MeshView and display it in B4J.

I have loaded .obj files that I downloaded from the web, but they tend to not stick to the same format...


  • Sony_XZ1_mesh_viewer.zip
    4.7 KB · Views: 585
  • headscan.png
    229.9 KB · Views: 687
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[Article] "Secure Your Raspberry Pi Against Attackers"

Recently I passed this article on "makezine" and thought it would be helpful for all Raspberry developers.



[Pen&Paper] Create & Run a simple 'Hello ABMaterial' WebApp

Hi there

I have been requested to do a simple something on how one can create a simple ABMaterial WebApp using the Pen&Paper code generator. The attached video seeks to demonstrate with a simple...

[ABMaterial] Star Rating ABMCustomComponent

Michał asked me in the feedback app to implement some kind of Star Rating component. As this is not so commonly needed, I thought this could be another good example of an ABMCustomComponent...

[ABMaterial] New debug feature in 3.20

ABMaterial 3.20 will introduce a very cool debug feature! When developing web apps, the console (e.g. in Chrome) can be your best friend. But on mobile devices, you don't have that available...
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[ABMaterial] Dashboard Creation with JustGage

Hi there

For this exercise I wanted to have a dashboard that will provide me with total Expenditure vs Budget as demonstrated in Figure 1 below. In this table, records are added that will have a...

Killing forgotten Java processes

If you run a non-ui app in release mode and then close the IDE, then the process will continue running.
It is difficult to later kill it with Windows task manager as all the Java processes names...

How to start another module / visual in b4j

Hi I'm creating an application in b4j, my first by the way. but I haven't found the way to start
another module. I have main form, but I need to open another one to display the reports from a...

[ABMaterial] IMPORTANT change for B4J 5.80

As in B4J 5.80 Jetty has been updated to 9.4.6 (which contains an important change in the internal Session framework), you will need to update some code in StartServer() and StartServerHTTP2() in...

Google Play Developer API

Google Play Developer API allows you to access your developer account and do all kinds of things. For example get the latest app reviews or check the status of in-app purchases.

Like with all...


  • GooglePlayDeveloperServer.zip
    4.3 KB · Views: 746
  • GooglePlayDeveloperUI.zip
    3.7 KB · Views: 767

[ABMaterial]: Exploring Creative Tim

Hi there

I found a material framework called Creative Tim, impressive, thought I could use some of the components for my upcoming webapp. Wishfully, the stats dashboards could not be as close as...

[ABMaterial]: Related MaterialCSS Experiments

Hi there

I'm working on some webapps however needed to tweak to my liking some of the components. Sadly the ABMNavigation bar at the moment cannot add top items to the "left" of the navigation...
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Making an extensible Web Server with jServer

I use jServer/Server extensively. One thing I've struggled with is the fact that I have several huge B4J projects which keep on growing and each one requires its own port. I've longed to be able...


  • HandlerServer.zip
    27.3 KB · Views: 439

[ABMaterial]: Implementing LiveHelp for your WebApp

Hi there

I'm starting to try and implement LiveHelp for my WebApps, well, its easier than I thought. With a couple of lines one can have LiveHelp running on their website easy peasy.

Below is...

B4J Download and Install

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[ABMonitor] Profiling your B4J/B4A apps 'live'

It has been some time since I could give my donators a new goodie ;), and this time it will be a library/tool to profile and monitor your B4J + B4A (7.01+) apps (not limited to ABMaterial...
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