B4J Tutorials

[ABMaterial] Creating a Contact Us form that will send an email

Hi again..

I wanted to create a Contact Us form that will send an email to a specified recipient using stored SMTP details. After designing my form, I had something like this to go with.



  • frmContactUs.bas
    19.7 KB · Views: 613

B4J Arduino Demo

Here's a really simple demonstration of connecting an Arduino Uno to an app written in B4J.

You will need to modify the code around line 25 to reflect the correct COM Port that your Arduino is...


  • B4J_Arduino_V2.zip
    1.5 KB · Views: 994
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Application protection

This is at present a proof of concept, but does allow applications written in B4J to be protected.

It relies on my Nashorn library.

The way it works is as follows:

The B4J application pulls in...

[ABMaterial] Creating Dynamic Legend specific Calendar Events at runtime

Hi there...

Well, this is just my approach of how I have developed my dynamic calendar with calendar events being loaded from a database. This is what I wanted to achieve...

1. Each...

[ABMaterial] Msgbox and InputBox (2.51)

Sometimes you just need to show a quick msgbox or a single field inputbox to the user. In ABMaterial you can build some quick modal sheets to do this. But in 2.51 I've integrated the possibility...

[ABMaterial] Extend the Navigation top Bar (3.02)

In the ABMaterial 3.02 Maintenance Update there will, next to bug fixes, also be introduced something new: you'll be able to extend the Navigation TopBar!

1. Add extra content under the default...
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[ABMaterial] Creating Dynamic Charts from Database Records At Runtime


  • SyncfusionChart.bas
    10.9 KB · Views: 631
  • ej.theme.min.zip
    33.3 KB · Views: 613

Unhandled exceptions

Unhandled exceptions are exceptions that were thrown outside of Try / Catch blocks. Such exceptions cause the process to exit in all cases except of server applications.

Starting from B4J v5.0 it...

Pagination Container

The Pagination container (added in B4J v5.0) is similar to TabPane and Accordion. It holds one or more pages. Each page is created from a layout file.

Sub AppStart (Form1 As...


  • PaginationExample.zip
    5.1 KB · Views: 1,455

How to "Collapse All" with a single key

How to "Collapse All" with a single key

While developing pages for ABMaterial, I frequently use Edit->Outlining->Collapse All to condense the source and navigate between sections...
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[ABMaterial] How to XAMPP & Access your webapps via WIFI

Hi there...

This is not ABMaterial related, however I wanted to run my ABMaterial WebApp from my local internet connection via WIFI, so here we go.

Well, install XAMP, you can get a copy...
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[ABMaterial] Gantt Chart Anyone?

Hi there

For my text challenge, I need a Gantt chart, have looked and looked and came up with this. It's not neat yet and it's not responsive or material what what.

Does anyone have an idea if...

[ABMaterial] Avoid duplicate content when using dynamic controls

Hello all, I am going to try and explain how you can resolve the issue of dynamic content with ABMaterial. (This method works for me)

First lets start with the reason why we see duplicate...

[Pen&Paper] Automating ABMTable CRUD Functionality

Hi there

Well, this is not new. The ABMGenerator has been an inspiration to this, so I have just adjusted a few things for my liking. As you might know, MyMaterial.Show is a code generator for...
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B4J Beginner's Guide

This guide is obsolete ! It is no more updated.
Please use the B4X Booklets.

Here is a Beginner's Guide in pdf format.
The source code for the example programs is included.

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[ABMaterial] How to implement a library version lock

Starting with ABMaterial v2.50, there are two version fields in the ABM object. The first reports the version of the library while a second includes the version number in the name.

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[ABMaterial] Start ABMGridBuilder without the console window

To launch the ABMGridBuilder without the lingering console window simply change the respective .BAT like so:

start "" javaw -jar -Dprism.order=sw ABMGridBuilder.jar

[ABMaterial] Simplify starting the server

Here's how you can simplify the server startup method in ABMApplication.bas by converting StartServer() to a shim.
public Sub StartServer(srvr As Server, srvrName As String, srvrPort As Int)...

[ABMaterial] 6 new loading/pause animations (2.50)

I had the question a couple of times to make some more animations (like the spinning circles) available for when the page is loading, or when the app is paused. So here they are:

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[WebApp] Understanding the browser and optimizing the frontend

In my morning readings i came across an interesting and very well explained tutorial on how the browser works and how can we optimize the payload that the server sends to the browser.

You can...
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