Button Create = uses class dlx_generator to create a new puzzle
Button New Puzzle = use a variant of 1 of the 742 puzzles embedded in the code (randomly swapping...
In the SithasoDaisy download package, you get a MySQL Crud App for a simple expense tracking app. As a showcase, there is a b4j layout named expenseCategory
This is an example of how to create a timesheet with time & day matrix to enter hours worked etc. I have added the change_row event which detects changes to the time entered and also an...
I think its time I explain what this is. Perhaps let me clear out some qualifiers. Both these words start with Pocket, one ends with Host and the other ends with Base.
The issue of drawer item visibility becomes interesting when you want to control which drawer items should be visible or not depending on user group permissions.
As an example...
Note: some distributions of Linux are now installing MariaDB as a default. Debian 9 Stretch is an example of that. The two databases are, for the most part, identical to each other. MariaDB is...
As promised, I present to you a trilogy of short tutorials allowing you to learn some of the basics of Google Compute Platform/Engine (GCP/E). The knowledge you gain from these tutorials will...
The recent addition of the anchor tag in BBCodeView opens up an efficient and effective way for creating documentation that works on a desktop and devices.
This tag allows you to scroll to any...
It is based on this Github project. Have stripped it bare and compiled the code to a new Jar (OkapiJHS.jar) so that it will only handle DataMatrix barcodes (a pm request that I have...
I was struggling to see several ABMaterial servers visible from one IP on one port. I use it because I have one VPS test server for clients and I put there test versions for them. Each...