B4R Tutorials

Arduino to WeMos pin mapping

Not exactly a tutorial, but informative nevertheless.

This is how to map your Arduino projects to your WeMos. So for example in the blink demo, you just choose pin 2 for a WeMos instead of...
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Pull up resistors and buttons

Understanding why you might need a pull up resistor...

Not exactly a tutorial from directly within this forum, but nevertheless I'm more than sure that this will help a few new B4R users...
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Creating libraries for B4R

Libraries are written in C++.
Libraries are made of a single h file and one or more cpp files. Libraries can also include other h files which will not be exposed.

All the files should be in the...


  • B4Rh2xml.jar
    98 KB · Views: 1,534
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Writing and reading from the EEPROM

The EEPROM is in most cases the only persistent storage available. As a persistent storage we can use it to store data that will not be lost when the board is turned off.

The rEEPROM library...

Timers, Loopers and CallSubPlus

Arduino C example #1:
void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the...
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[Hint] 10 methods to easily destroy your Arduino

B4R Beginner's Guide

This guide is obsolete ! It is no more updated.
Please use the B4X Booklets.

Here you find the B4R Beginner's Guide in pdf format.

The source code for the example programs is...
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Reed Switch Monitor Example

B4R & B4J experiment to monitor the state of a Reed switch connected to an ESP8266 - a NodeMCU is used. If the Reed switch state changes (triggered by a magnetic contact), data is send to a B4J...
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Blink Example

A simple example that uses a Timer to change the state of pin 13 (this is the pin connected to the built-in led):
Sub Process_Globals
   Public Serial1 As Serial
   Private Timer1 As Timer...

ESP8266 + Relay = Let there be light

Relays are electronic switches that allow low power (voltage) devices to control high power circuits.

In this example the ESP8266 board controls a regular 220v light bulb.

*** High power...


  • B4A_Relay.zip
    7.8 KB · Views: 1,451
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TIME to Uint / Unit to TIME Converter

I using this code, Because Board has a problem for records size capacity of epprom.

Log("17:45:36 False >>",DateTime.TimeToUint(17,45,36,False)) '>>> 1065
    Log("1065 // 17:45:36...
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DATE to Uint / Unit to Date Converter

I using this code, Because Board has a problem for records size capacity of epprom.
'For date >> 2015/ 08 / 04 (y/m/d)
Log("Date number:",DateTime.DateToUint(15,8,4)))
'returned >>
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Using PROGMEM to save memory

The smaller Arduinos like the Arduino Uno have 2k of RAM. The subs stack and the global variables use this memory.

If your program includes constant data then you can use PROGMEM to store the...

Ultrasonic Ranging module HC-SR04

Testing the HC-SR04 to measuring distances


physics info.png

The accuraccy of the sensor depends greatly on...
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sub for Date Time adding

I needed date time functions; And some write codes.
it is first sharing with B4R

use this variables for date &time
Public Time_HH As Int
Public Time_MM As Int
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Intel Arduino 101


The Arduino 101 is an Arduino board developed by Intel. It is mostly compatible with standard...


  • boards.zip
    2.5 KB · Views: 776
  • B4R_Serial_Connector_Arduino101.zip
    4.9 KB · Views: 709
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Servo motor and Arduino

Thanks to @Erel and the new rservo library (Beta#7), we've access to servo motors.

Servos are a motor type that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and...
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Inertial Measurements (MPU 6050) and Magnetometer (HMC5883L)

With big help from Erel here are two examples of connecting two boards by the I2C/TWI (A4 and A5 pins), using the rWire library.
Inertial Measurements (mpu6050) :
' MPU 6050 board - Inertial...
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Stepper motor

Edit: see post #5 for an updated version.

This application is controlling a stepper motor which can be turned by a wanted angle and speed. I use this motor...
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Memory, Variables and Objects

Memory is a big issue in Arduino.

1. The available RAM is very small compared to other platforms. For example the Uno has 2k of RAM.
2. There is no sophisticated heap management which means that...
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