iOS Tutorials

Textchanged difference between B4a and B4i


I found an interesting difference between the textchanged event in B4a and B4i.

In B4a, EditText1_TextChanged will fire whenever the text is changed whether by User or in code

In B4i...

VideoPlayer - Replaces VideoView

iUI8 library v1.50 includes a new VideoPlayer view. It replaces VideoView from iMedia library.

Apple has deprecated the API that VideoView was based on. VideoPlayer is based on the newer...


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Location Services Blue Bar

If you've used Location services on iOS you might have noticed that there's a blue bar showing when the app is in the background and using the GPS:

I noticed my app doesn't show...

FloatLabeledEditText (iUI8)

iUI8 v1.20 includes a new view named FloatLabeledEditText. It is a modified TextField that instead of hiding the...

iAdMob and User Consent


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Compile As Library

B4i v3.50 adds support for library compilation. This is similar to the feature available in B4A and B4J...

Fast arrays access

B4i v5.0 adds several methods to the Bit object that provide very fast access to arrays.

In most cases there is no reason to use these methods as they are more cumbersome and less safe than the...



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Adding your settings to the default Settings app

By following the steps in this tutorial you can allow users to configure the various app settings in the default Settings app...


  • SettingsCreator.jar
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iPhone X Safe Area

As you can see in the above image, the screen area near the top and bottom are considered unsafe. Meaning that you...


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Monitor the device attitude (orientation) and acceleration with Motion object

iPhone library v1.30 includes a new type named Motion. With this object you can monitor the device orientation and acceleration (similar to B4A PhoneSensors).

The Motion object doesn't raise...


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TableView with custom items

iTableView v1.20 adds support for custom items.

Each TableCell includes a CustomView property. You can set a Panel with views to this property and the panel will be added to the cell...


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Add QuickActions to your App


in this thread I want to show you, how to add QuickActions/Shortcuts to your App. QuickActions require 3D touch support and iOS 9 (minimum).

1.) Download the QuickActions tool, to...


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  • QuickActions.bas
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AdMob Ads Mediation (with InMobi)

ShowPage Animated

Based on @narek adonts answer here:

this is a ShowPage animation Code Module

'Code module
Sub Process_Globals

End Sub

'Transition: 0 = cameraIris, 1 = cameraIrisHollowOpen, 2 =...

iOS error code


There is an official tutorial by Erel how to get info about ios error code from your analytics log. Its a little bit complex so i found a different easy way.

Super small tutorial: Messing with #PlistExtra might get unrelated error

I was trying out what was possible to enter in #PlistExtra and tried adding a   to see if that worked:
#PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key><string>This is...

Quick Inline Objective-C Question

Just a quick question about inline Objective-C: Can I declare a variable outside of a method? This seems like a really basic question but I haven't use inline objective-c before and wanted to be...
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Creating a cross-platform "dialog" class with input validation

I'm currently developing an App that'll be released for Android and IOS. It presents files to the user, allows them to select a file and then presents the content for editing, and finally allows...


  • iValiDialogs (0.02).zip
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Share data from your app with ActivityViewController

ActivityViewController allows the user to share data from your app using the standard share dialog.
It was added in iPhone library v2.00.

Using it is simple. You need to...
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