iOS Tutorials


iBeacons are small, low powered peripherals, that use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to advertise their information.

The BeaconParser class can be used together with the BLE library to search...


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Set Gradient Color to a View


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Simple Parallax Scrolling iSpriteKit

here is an example of how to make a simple Parallax Scrolling using iSpriteKit

Sub createBackground(myScence As SKScene)
    'first create Sky
    Dim sky As SKSpriteNode...
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CSBuilder - AttributedStrings builder

AttributedStrings are strings with additional styling information.
CSBuilder is a new type added in B4i v4.00 which helps with creating such strings. It is an alternative to iRichString class...
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change Imageview.Bitmap color


if you would like to change the color of your Imageview.Bitmap than you could just
do it like this:

ImageView1.TintColor = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))

but it seems...


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[Tool] Swifter - Inline Swift code support

Here you can find a new (experimental) tool called Swifter (v. 1.0 beta) which allows you to add Swift code to your B4i Project.

How to use?
  • Open Swifter and enter the B4i...
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Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora


For those of us who have a windows pc and however want to do ad-hoc distribution of our apps for testing, I have just found this shortcut to have a release ipa installed. I have just installed...

Reading and Writing PDF Documents


iOS has built-in support for reading and writing PDF documents.

The Canvas object allows us to display existing PDF...


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AdMob - Rewarded video ads

AdMob v1.50 (included in B4i v3.0) adds support for rewarded video ads.

Rewarded video ads are video ads where the user is rewarded if he watches the full video.
How is the user rewarded is up...

FirebaseAuth - Authenticate your users (Google + Facebook)


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File browser capability

Hi All

I would like to bebable to browse files on my iOS device via my App.

The easiest was is to share the DirDocuments and deposit files in there using iExploere or some similar browser. That...

TableView - "B4i ListView"

The TableView view from iTableView library wraps the native UITableView control. This control is similar to B4A ListView though it is more powerful.
Do not confuse TableView with Table...
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ATS - App Transport Security

ATS is a security feature that prevents applications to make non-ssl http connections. This means that when ATS is enabled applications can only access https urls.

Starting from 1/1/2017, ATS...
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LocalNotifications for iOS


I have tested for iOS, but i don't see the notification.
I have not error, nothing happens.

I send you a link below to see this problem...

script mode

I try to do the tutorial at page 142 in B4i beginner's guide but i have the following error...

scrit-mode (read only)
click on the properties grid to exit this mode....

Where it is ????

Managing multiple certificates / provision files

This tutorial is only relevant after you were able to build and install B4i-Bridge.
If you haven't yet started with B4i then please go over these two tutorials instead:
Creating a...
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B4i Beginner's Guide

This guide is obsolete ! It is no more updated.
Please use the B4X Booklets.

Here is a B4i Beginner's Guide in pdf format.

The source code for the example programs is included.
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Silent Push Notifications

This tutorial explains how you can use push notifications that don't show any visual cue to the user and start your app in the background for a limited time (up to 30 seconds).
You can use it for...
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Google Analytics

Edit: use iFirebaseAnalytics instead.

B4i v2.50 includes a wrapper for Google Analytics SDK (iAnalytics).


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How to submit your app to Apple iTunes

This is for local compile i.e. using your own Mac.

So you`ve written your first iOS app, tested it on your device and now want to upload it and make your first $million. Read on...

You`ll need...
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