Hi all, I finally finished the checklist app I've been using for the last year. It's now available in the Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=name.obrien.dave.lister&hl=en-GB It's for managing the checklists that...
Update: new version on Google Play with configurable parameters and different gifs to choose from. Changed thread and app name --- UPDATED Version 1.2: (will take a while for Google Play to update the version) Now you can throw them onto the...
App. que muestra diariamente valores de algunas monedas e indicadores bursátiles. Enlace en Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=indicadores.krea
A simple app to quickly and easily create and share memes. Check it out HERE.
Hello evreryone. i have finish and publish my first app on play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.beraldogiuliano.worldcapitls Please download try it and tell me how improve it for better. Next version soon, with ads...
Hi this is my first app in google app store , please review it thanks with LOVE :) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.qbeesoft.wannachat
Here is my first automation intro project : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=datalog.file.com Logging is very important in our dailly life, we always keep record of our life either if you take a photo to store data or you note...
hi this is my latest app for B4a. currently it is only in hebrew available. it is a smart shopping list with lots of features like: - list sharing in real time - inline chat - more than 300 products already installed - unlimited list amount -...
Simple game... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.programcat.countthesquareslite
Hello:) I'm glad to show you my first game libgdx+box2d GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=coldteam.knight.soul i want to thank a lot to Informatix for his work!
With just a tap on the "Flush DNS" button you can clear the DNS cache from your device. Note: 1- For this app to work the device must be rooted. Must have any superuser app installed as a system app in order to grant access. 2- Tested on many...
App for lottery in Brazil, using as a differential the voice command for the numbers conference. Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devslim.premiou
Here is our latest game Storke game that I publied today in only 2 hours time in which I have bought a storke animation (flying and dieing) added some bulet variables, changed background, created new icon, take snapshots , prepare store listing...
Hello all, Not sure if I posted this before.. Bluetooth range is about 20 meters.. But at some situations you may want to extend that range to longer distance.. the idea is to send the data to an external Bluetooth module (HC-6) next to the...
That's my frist app: A schedule for kids using pictograms. It's in Spanish only, by now. It's my end-of-degree project for the University, so any feedback is appreciated. DOWNLOAD...
It was created with B4A. I have done this little APP with the great OSMDROID library. Martin Pearman - Thank you very much for awsome work. MAPSGO ver.3 was created with osmdroid 3.10 . MAPSGO ver.4 was created with osmdroid 4.1 . MAPSGO...
Hi Guys, I would like to share my library created. I have converted some of the Java Inline code such as isNumeric(), getMD5(), bytes2Hex(), getSHA1() and i have also added the following; 1. generateToken(param1) - This function generates a...
Hi you can find this app in my site www.condorinformatique.com Giovanni Rossati
Hi all, I needed to make some bluetooth connection with my Arduino device so i made simple tool to do that. I know that google play store is full of this kind of tools but i had some time And i made my own tool :)...
What's really nice with B4A is that you can do pretty much what you want ! Here is my nixie clock : 6x IN14 russian tubes 6x Neopixels Leds 2x HV5530 high Voltage drivers 1x 210V High Voltage step up power supply 1x 5V step down power supply 1x...