Tutorials & Examples

Android development starts here. Please do not post questions in this sub-forum.

File Choose

Quickly create a File_Chooser, and choose any type of File without any Library.

Download code Here

Get resolution of video from file

    Dim metaRetriver As JavaObject
    metaRetriver.InitializeNewInstance("android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever", Null)
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Flow chart to help choose folder

This flow chart will help you choose the folder in all kinds of different cases:

There were reasons to use other folders in the past. Those reasons are no longer relevant, mainly...
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[UI] [B4A] Camping App UI Example + Source Code

Hello Community!
This is the first UI Example by XTools Group and more examples are on the way
In this example we've used CustomListView & XUI Views Librarys and implement a self-made Bottom...


  • Camping App.zip
    365.1 KB · Views: 1,341

[B4X] Builder command line script

Hi all,

Attached are txt files that are really windows .bat files. These are to help with building multiple libraries.

If you are building a large project with multiple libraries it can get hard...


  • B4AExampleCompileScript.txt
    4.4 KB · Views: 501
  • B4JExampleCompileScript.txt
    4.4 KB · Views: 473

SQLite Full Text Search on a Large Database and Display on an xClv

The primary objective of this cross-platform B4XPages SQLite FTS example is to show the syntax used for Full Text Search queries in SQLite. The database consists of close to 400000 records. It is...


  • SQLiteFullTextSearchForForum.zip
    20.2 KB · Views: 879

Apprendre à utiliser les Vues B4A - Partie 2 (Learn to use B4A views - Part 2)

Learn to use Design Views in B4A (Learn to use Design Views in B4A)


Receiving shared images from other apps

This example shows how to create an app that can act as a sharing target. It will be listed in the list of apps that show when the user shares an image.

The first step is to add an intent filter...

Read QR code from file

Hello team,

If you want to scan QR code from a file (Bitmap or pdf) you can try this code:
You need PDFium and Barcode Reader

'Code module
'Subs in this code module will be...

Make sure you are enrolled in new 15% Play Store Fee

If you receive an email from google announcing the new 15% service fee (instead of 30%) that looks like this:

I was a little confused of why do I have to create a group if I only...
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[B4X] [B4XPages] Menu badges

This is a B4i + B4A example. It adds a dynamic badge to the menu icon. It also shows how to update menu items at runtime.

Don't miss:
1. B4A - theme settings in manifest editor.


  • Project.zip
    16.6 KB · Views: 1,871

Calculation of Distance in Km between two points on MapFragment

Hi I share a simple solution to calculate the distance in km between two points on MapFragment. I hope it will be of help to anyone who works with the GoogleMaps v2.50 library.

The coordinates...

Compilation time and auto-increment build version

This tutorial demonstrates how the custom build action feature can be used to add a file during compilation with the compilation time and an automatic version number that is incremented with every...


  • compiletime.jar
    81.9 KB · Views: 1,068
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B4A-Créer un Slide Menu avec un Panel (Create a Slide Menu with a Panel)

Créer un Slide Menu parfait et rapide seulement avec un Panel .
(Create a perfect and fast Slide Menu only with a Panel).

Nous allons créer un Chat dans notre prochaine vidéo...

Core Programming - Chain of Several Programmer

Core Programming Is a group chain of Programmer working on the development of new Features.

Here is a channel to teach newbies how to get started working with B4A and it is a channel to...

Custom Context Menu for Text Selection

This example uses inline Java with JavaObject to allow creating custom context menus when the user selects text.

To use...


  • CustomContextMenu.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 1,654

Convert collections to json and vice versa

The JSON libraries, which are internal libraries, were updated. The new version is 1.20.

There is a new JSON type which is used to convert maps or lists to json strings and vice versa, using the...
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[B4X] AS CalendarAdvanced - Expand with xCLV

This is a sample project to demonstrate how to expand or collapse the calendar and at the same time adjust a listview below it...


  • Expand With xCLV.zip
    11.5 KB · Views: 559
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[B4X] Cross platform Editable B4XTable + Form Example

This example demonstrates several things:
  • Cross platform code and files, similar to the way XUI2D games are...


  • Project.zip
    194.2 KB · Views: 2,283
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✅ [B4X] Using JSON generator, 5 simple examples - Newer developers

Hello all,
Well here we are with a simple example on how to use the JSON generator, this applies to B4A, B4J and also B4i.

I've created 5 different examples using B4XPages for new B4X developers...


  • JSON Generator.zip
    14.9 KB · Views: 605
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