Tutorials & Examples

Android development starts here. Please do not post questions in this sub-forum.

Google Vision/Play Services OCR example

1. Take Erel's QR/Barcode-Reader example: QR
2. Change/add the following:

In the manifest change the last line to "android:value="barcode,,ocr,,face""
'************ Google Play...

✅ Match the flags. Simple XUI cross platform game tutorial for new B4X B4A developers - Newer developers

Hello B4X'ers,
This morning as my new clients are currently beta testing software that I developed for them using B4J ?, I thought to myself lets create a quick and simple game using B4A for the...
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ADeveloper - B4A tutorials

follow us in social networks please ? :

insta.png youtube.png

I started a channel in youtube for B4A. Erel made some other tutorials which you can find...
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[B4X] Mobile App Website - No-Code Builder (Landingpage, Legal notice, privacy policy)

Hey, I found this interesting website today on Producthunt.com.
Create a mobile app website in ⏳ 60...

[B4X] [B4XPages] Splash Screen

B4A, B4i and B4J splash screen implementation. The implementation is different in each platform.

1. Don't miss the manifest editor code in B4A.
2. Don't use %y in the code. Use Root.Height...


  • Project.zip
    67.7 KB · Views: 3,375
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Self sms Verification

This simple example illustrate how to verify user phone number using self sms.
The example send sms from user phone to his/her phone.
No need for extra external third parities sms gateway.



  • self_sms_verification.zip
    10.9 KB · Views: 609

B4A Rapid book updated to B4A 10.6


I am happy to announce that the both the paperback and electronic versions of the B4A tutorial and reference book “B4A Rapid Android App...

Check if Device Rooted

I hope this example helpful
It will check if the device is rooted or no.


  • checkroot.zip
    9.3 KB · Views: 545

Voice Recognition Example

A large button is displayed. When the user presses on the button, the user is asked to say something.
The voice recognition engine converts the audio to text.

Then the text is converted back to...


  • VoiceRecognition.zip
    5.6 KB · Views: 5,582

[B4X] Postman Tutorial

Before some time I have posted my findings upon an application that allows you to test WebAPIs, tinker with them and eventually use the JSON in your projects. This application is postman. Here is...
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[B4X] B4XTable with custom cells layout


Requires B4XTable v1.01+...


  • B4XTable-Flags.zip
    429.3 KB · Views: 3,111

[B4X] [B4XPages] BCTextEngine parser: B4X Code Highlighter



This is an example of creating a custom parser for...


  • CodeHighlighter.zip
    14.4 KB · Views: 940
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? [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4A recreating Google Trends results with xCharts - Newer developers

Hello to you all,
Here is an extremely simple example on how to easily recreate Google Trends results using B4XPages with B4A and the xChart library. In this example I used Google...
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✅ [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4A 'Erel Says' hand, eye memory game - Newer developers

Hello to you all,
I decided to recreate this simple but effective game example, the game is based on the B4XPages library. The game is designed for hand, eye and memory coordination, so I called...
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Add text to image and save it ("water mark")

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple example of how add a text into a bitmap and later save it as image file.


Turn your camera flash light into a torch - also with Java code inside the B4A project

See attached project. I have created this simple torch (on / off) by making use of java code found on the web and compiling it with Simple Library Compiler. Library files inside the /files folder...


  • JHSTORCH_v1.zip
    23.3 KB · Views: 1,459
  • JHSTORCH_v2.zip
    117.3 KB · Views: 1,953
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[B4X] B4XPages + B4XDrawer

B4XDrawer v1.53 adds support for B4J. This is a good opportunity to create a B4XPages example using B4XDrawer.
It does require some configuration so pay attention.


The example is...


  • 3 pages + drawer.zip
    191.7 KB · Views: 3,625
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Example of adding and calling B4X menu items

Midi System Example - Play A Midi File.


  • PlayOnly.zip
    10 KB · Views: 861

Android Usb Host Tutorial - AdbTest

Android 3.1 and above devices support Usb host mode. With this feature you can connect to regular client usb devices. Some devices are automatically recognized by the OS and are simple to work...


  • USBExample.zip
    7.2 KB · Views: 4,203