Tutorials & Examples

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[B4X] [BitmapCreator] Creating cross platform games

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Gnss Status Updates

Starting from Android 7 we can extract more information about the satellite navigation status.
GPS is the first satellites system (the American system). There are several more systems now...


  • GnssStatus.zip
    10.1 KB · Views: 1,222

[B4X] Clipper FoxPro Xbase++ Functions

When I started again developing in B4A, I looked around my developed desktop applications to make something similar, as I will know what the result should be.

I choose my small attendance program...


  • Clipper FoxPro Xbase Functions.txt
    1.7 KB · Views: 590

Bomb Countdown Example

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple Bomb Countdown with timer, sound and vibration.

I think the most important here is the...


  • contador.zip
    135.3 KB · Views: 759

BLE - Heart Rate Monitor

HeartRateMonitor class searches for peripherals with the heart rate service (0x180D).

Once a peripheral device is found and connected then a notification is set for the heart rate measurement...


  • HeartRateMonitor.bas
    1.9 KB · Views: 2,564

IDE Tip: Alt + N = Recent subs menu

Not sure how many developers are familiar with the list of recent subs:


You can open it with Alt + N.
It is very useful...

Left menu layout examples (jfeinstein10)

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple layout example of SlidingMenu

this example use this lib...

Tabela Fipe Api (Brasil Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles prices)

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple example of how consume a api with http.

Fipe is a organization with control of cars...


  • consultafipe.zip
    262.8 KB · Views: 465

Simple Currency Api (Brazilian)

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple example of how to get values from a website, on this example we get the bitcoin and dolar...


  • bitcoin.zip
    48.1 KB · Views: 489

Fidget Spinner HTML example (with assets files)

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple Fidget Spinner example on B4A


Ps: this example use a webview, a html code...


  • fidgetspinner2.zip.zip
    457.1 KB · Views: 616

Fidget Spinner example

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple Fidget Spinner example on B4A


Download Here

Ps: on the zip...

Simple punch the president game (Incomplete)

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple game example to punch the president


This example...

Hide Packagename and UserAgent on Webview

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple example of how hide the packagename and a user agent on a webview.

This example use the...


  • esconderwebview.zip
    243.6 KB · Views: 620

Send Firebase notification via PHP (CURL)

Hi all.
I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here.
it is a simple example of how send a firebase notification via php

        $url =...


  • firebasephp.zip
    882 bytes · Views: 942

Android Charts Framework

The purpose of this framework is to allow you to easily add different types of charts to your projects.
The current version supports pie charts, line charts and bar charts.

The framework is...


  • Charts.zip
    9.6 KB · Views: 7,890
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SMS and CALL_LOG permissions are no longer available

Google has changed their policy regarding the following permissions:

Only the default phone or...

Version safe APK installation

As explained in this tutorial all store apps will soon be forced to target the latest SDK.

This means that we can no longer rely on the OS backwards compatibility features and need to...


  • InstallAPK.zip
    131.5 KB · Views: 3,392
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How to Install Android 8 on Virtualbox

I found a Youtube video showing you how to install Android 8.0 on a Virtualbox.
This gives you Android running on a desktop (virtual) machine, and it is all free!
(I knew you'd like the "free"...

Clv Simple Chat Example (adjustable text size)

Hi All.
Here is a very very simple example of how make a chat using clv.
the text and name is ajustable automatic, you can receive any text and the code will ajust using the correct size.



  • exampleclv.zip
    301.3 KB · Views: 1,077

B4x / PHP compatibility thread

A lot of developers like me use php as the backend component on a server to communicate with B4x apps. My intention is to create a thread with some "How to's" and best practices. Please feel free...