Tutorials & Examples

Android development starts here. Please do not post questions in this sub-forum.

Retrieve one or multiple image(s) shared to your app

With this code you can retrieve images shared to your app (e.g. if a user selects one or more images from the gallery and selects "Share..."). No permissions are required as the user selects the...
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Convert Integer to DIP

Saw a request for this so I thought I'd share. Below you will find a way of converting an integer to a DIP (Density Independent Pixel). This may be useful in situations where you have a variable...
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Custom Expandable ListView

This code is an example of creating an expandable listview using a scrollview.
The layout of each item in the list is created in code and is customizable on a per item basis.
The example is...


  • expandablelv.png
    8.5 KB · Views: 21,205
  • ExpandableListView.zip
    10.3 KB · Views: 5,116

Android SQLite Viewer

SQLite Viewer is an open source application that allows you to view the contents of SQLite databases right from your Android device...


  • SQLiteViewer.zip
    15.1 KB · Views: 2,993
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In-App billing Server side verification

Hi to all! I want to post a small example to verify the signature of an in-app purchase, in order to avoid the use of application like Freedom and Lucky Patcher.
An important note is that this...
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[B4X] Resumable subs that return values (ResumableSub)

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Android "Kiosk mode" tutorial


  • Kiosk.zip
    6.7 KB · Views: 5,764
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3D Interactive Starfield using only the Core library

Hey guys!!

I took this HTML5 example and adapted it to B4A.

I hope the code is self-explanatory, if not, I'll be here to help.
Once again I'm using panels, but you can use whatever...


  • Starfield Example.zip
    7.7 KB · Views: 778
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B4A bridge & B4A designer: Create a WIFI Spot with your computer.


I was facing a problem to use B4A bridge because I'm connected to a LAN without WIFI.
I found a solution to make my computer a WIFI spot and then use B4A bridge & B4A designer Wireless...

Corso B4A crea una app col tuo sito web

Ciao a tutti, ho creato un corso in italiano su piattaforma B4A per creare una app con un sito web, il corso è per principianti e guida l'utente dal download e l'impostazione di B4A, del JDK e...

[B4x]Data exchange (B4x, php, servers, .net and others)

After some years I have developed several apps to communicate with other apps, servers and platforms. My goal was to have ONE standard solution without additional propriatary solutions which work...

jarsigner error: java.security.SignatureException: private key algorithm is not compatible

Private sign keys created with B4A v7.80 or less together with Java 8u151+ will fail with the above error message. Note that it does not affect existing keys.
It is related to a change in the...

Integrating Firebase Services

Google has acquired a company named Firebase and is now offering many backend services under the Firebase umbrella. Most of them are free.

Integrating the services is relatively simple.

1. Use...
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GPS Status in the OsmAnd - vs - GPS Connected.

Probably the majority of using GPS, wondered how to display the GPS Status in OsmAnd:

wanting to display the GPS Status in the OsmAnd 2.9.3 application, publication date 2018-02-08


  • Screenshot_01.png
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  • GPS Connected.apk
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B4A how to learn it in 1 day

Watch the b4x Video Tutorials with interactive zoom

if you're having problems with the resolution, or your age ( :( ) and you see the code too small ,try to use this tricky feature in VLC Player called "interactive zoom"

you can see all code...
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Persistent log for IDE (developer) or APP (user)

I write for me, and share.
Add functionality to a log and logcolor functions.
Easy to implement.
Source Code for enhance or fix.
CSBuilder, TextWriter & TextReader implementation.



  • wlog.zip
    401.1 KB · Views: 364

Signing your application before uploading to Google Play

The result of compiling your application is an APK file. This is a package file that contains the compiled source code and the assets files.
The APK file must be signed before installation...

SERVER IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

With the first steps on JAVA, my first program was an IRC SERVER. Subsequently I have evolved it and it has become the base to realize a SERVER for webchat.
I developed for a couple of...


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Client IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

With the IRC Client complete the work started with the IRC Server.

As already explained is a Basic version, to give only an idea of how it works, but it is not complete with all the commands, and...


  • irc_chat.zip
    18 KB · Views: 805