I always loved the function @wonder had written to read JSON files using a path structure: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/json-getobjfrompath.85539/#content
It truly is navigating JSON trees like a boss and we use his method extensively in almost all our projects.
But I always wondered if there couldn't be a similar system to also create and modify JSON with a similar syntax...
Hence the JSONPath class
Note: this class is also BANano compatible but requires BANano 9.03+ because of a bug in the Split function.
The Json we want to create (a game with two teams, each with two players and one of them is the captain):
Code to make this json (explanation see further):
With a simple path syntax we create and modify branches of the Json. Adding the same referee to both teams is as simple as:
How about changing the referees name in all teams?
Or let's get all the captains:
Moving a player from one team to another other:
I think you may get the idea.
Some explanation about the paths:
First, you may have noticed the symbols in the paths. They have to do with functionalities of array objects:
* = All items in the array
# = the last item in the array
@ = add a new object in the array
Number: a specific index in the array
{"prop": "value"} = object in the array where the property = value
So the line:
would read as: in all teams (*) add (@) this person to the players array
would read as: in all teams (*) for the last item in the players array (#) set his name to Paul.
would read as: in games with id = 1 and teams as id = 1 get the scores of player with playerId = PlayerID
.Initialize(jsonOrObject as Object)
Initializes a JSONPath.
if jsonOrObject is an empty string, the JSONPath type will be TYPE_UNDEFINED until the first item is added.
jsonOrObject can be a json string, a map, a list or another JSONPath.
Note: if it is another JSONPath, it is added by reference!
Because in the example our first .Set call starts with a "property" (teams), the root of the JSONPath becomes a Map. It we would be a List if we would start it like this:
which would result in this Json:
Note: both example versions are in the demo project.
.ToString() As String
Creates a JSON string from the initialized object.
The string does not include any extra white space.
.ToPrettyString(indent As Int) As String
Creates a JSON string from the initialized object.
The string will be indented and easier for reading.
Note that the string created is a valid JSON string.
Indent - number of spaces to add to each level.
.getRootType() As Int
returns the type of the root: TYPE_MAP, TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_UNDEFINED
.Get(path As String) As Object
Gets the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0),
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
.GetDefault(path As String, default As Object) As Object
Gets the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0),
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
default - a default value if the path was not found
.GetClone(path As String) As Object
Returns a clone of the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
Note: This is a seperate clone and making changes to it will not change the original one.
.Set(path As String, value As Object)
Sets an object at the given full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcards:
- use @ to add it to the end of an array
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
- use * to refer to all items in the array
value - the value of the object at the path (can be another JSONPath)
.Remove(path As String) As Object
Remove an object given its full path.
path can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
Returns the removed object
.Copy(fromPath As String, toPath As String) As Object
copies an object from path to path
paths can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
returns the copied object
.Move(fromPath As String, toPath As String) As Object
move an object from path to path
paths can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
returns the moved object
.Filter(path As String, filterMap As Map) As Map
Finds objects given the full path and some fields.
The value can be a map of fields. Pass null for no filter.
path - for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcards:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
- use * to refer to all items in the array
- use a json String to inner filter objects within an array
Returns a Map of objects found, the key is the full path to the object
.GetArraySize(Path As String) As Long
Returns the size of the array, given the full path to the array.
Returns -1 if not found
.PathToKeys(path As String) As String()
Helper method: returns an array of all the keys in the path
.KeysToPath(keys() As String) As String
Helper method: makes a path from an array of keys
It truly is navigating JSON trees like a boss and we use his method extensively in almost all our projects.
But I always wondered if there couldn't be a similar system to also create and modify JSON with a similar syntax...
Hence the JSONPath class
Note: this class is also BANano compatible but requires BANano 9.03+ because of a bug in the Split function.
The Json we want to create (a game with two teams, each with two players and one of them is the captain):
"game": "2024\/09\/11",
"teams": [
"players": [
"surName": "Bailleul",
"name": "Alain"
"surName": "Brion",
"name": "Catherine",
"isCaptain": true
"name": "De Caddie Clan"
"players": [
"surName": "Pattyn",
"name": "Filip"
"surName": "Wittouck",
"name": "Kristof",
"isCaptain": true
"name": "De Golfers"
Code to make this json (explanation see further):
Dim Path As JSONPath
Path.Initialize($"{"game": "2024/09/11"}"$)
Path.set("teams/@/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Alain", "surName": "Bailleul"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Catherine", "surName": "Brion"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/#/isCaptain", True)
Path.set("teams/#/name", "De Caddie Clan")
Path.set("teams/@/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Filip", "surName": "Pattyn"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Kristof", "surName": "Wittouck"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/#/isCaptain", True)
Path.set("teams/#/name", "De Golfers")
With a simple path syntax we create and modify branches of the Json. Adding the same referee to both teams is as simple as:
Path.set("teams/*/players/@", CreateMap("name": "3th", "surName": "Person", "isReferee": True))
"game": "2024\/09\/11",
"teams": [
"players": [
"surName": "Bailleul",
"name": "Alain"
"surName": "Brion",
"name": "Catherine",
"isCaptain": true
"surName": "Person",
"name": "3th",
"isReferee": true
"name": "De Caddie Clan"
"players": [
"surName": "Pattyn",
"name": "Filip"
"surName": "Wittouck",
"name": "Kristof",
"isCaptain": true
"surName": "Person",
"name": "3th",
"isReferee": true
"name": "De Golfers"
How about changing the referees name in all teams?
Path.set("teams/*/players/#/name", "Paul")
Path.set("teams/*/players/#/surName", "Cardoen")
Or let's get all the captains:
Dim captains As Map = Path.Filter("teams/*/players", CreateMap("isCaptain": True))
For Each key As String In captains.Keys
Dim play As Map = captains.Get(key)
Log("The captain is: " & play.Get("name") & " " & play.Get("surName"))
Moving a player from one team to another other:
Dim play As Map = Path.Move("teams/1/players/0", "teams/0/players/@")
I think you may get the idea.
Some explanation about the paths:
First, you may have noticed the symbols in the paths. They have to do with functionalities of array objects:
* = All items in the array
# = the last item in the array
@ = add a new object in the array
Number: a specific index in the array
{"prop": "value"} = object in the array where the property = value
So the line:
Path.set("teams/*/players/@", CreateMap("name": "3th", "surName": "Person", "isReferee": True))
would read as: in all teams (*) add (@) this person to the players array
Path.set("teams/*/players/#/name", "Paul")
would read as: in all teams (*) for the last item in the players array (#) set his name to Paul.
Dim GamePlayers As Map = DB.Filter($"games/{"id": 1}/teams/{"teamId": 1}/scores"$, CreateMap("playerId": PlayerID))
Dim GamePlayers As Map = DB.Filter($"games/{"id": 1}/teams/{"teamId": 1}/scores/{"playerId": ${PlayerID}}"$, Null)
would read as: in games with id = 1 and teams as id = 1 get the scores of player with playerId = PlayerID
.Initialize(jsonOrObject as Object)
Initializes a JSONPath.
if jsonOrObject is an empty string, the JSONPath type will be TYPE_UNDEFINED until the first item is added.
jsonOrObject can be a json string, a map, a list or another JSONPath.
Note: if it is another JSONPath, it is added by reference!
Because in the example our first .Set call starts with a "property" (teams), the root of the JSONPath becomes a Map. It we would be a List if we would start it like this:
Dim Path As JSONPath
Path.set("@/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Alain", "surName": "Bailleul"))
which would result in this Json:
"players": [
"surName": "Bailleul",
"name": "Alain"
Note: both example versions are in the demo project.
.ToString() As String
Creates a JSON string from the initialized object.
The string does not include any extra white space.
.ToPrettyString(indent As Int) As String
Creates a JSON string from the initialized object.
The string will be indented and easier for reading.
Note that the string created is a valid JSON string.
Indent - number of spaces to add to each level.
.getRootType() As Int
returns the type of the root: TYPE_MAP, TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_UNDEFINED
.Get(path As String) As Object
Gets the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0),
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
Log("The name of player 1 in team 1 is " & Path.Get("teams/1/players/1/name"))
.GetDefault(path As String, default As Object) As Object
Gets the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0),
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
default - a default value if the path was not found
.GetClone(path As String) As Object
Returns a clone of the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
Note: This is a seperate clone and making changes to it will not change the original one.
.Set(path As String, value As Object)
Sets an object at the given full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcards:
- use @ to add it to the end of an array
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
- use * to refer to all items in the array
value - the value of the object at the path (can be another JSONPath)
.Remove(path As String) As Object
Remove an object given its full path.
path can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
Returns the removed object
.Copy(fromPath As String, toPath As String) As Object
copies an object from path to path
paths can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
returns the copied object
' copy player 0 from team 0 and add him at the end of the players in team 1
Dim play As Map = Path.Copy("teams/0/players/0", "teams/1/players/@")
.Move(fromPath As String, toPath As String) As Object
move an object from path to path
paths can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
returns the moved object
' move player 0 from team 1 and add him at the end of the players in team 0
Dim play As Map = Path.Move("teams/1/players/0", "teams/0/players/@")
.Filter(path As String, filterMap As Map) As Map
Finds objects given the full path and some fields.
The value can be a map of fields. Pass null for no filter.
path - for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcards:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
- use * to refer to all items in the array
- use a json String to inner filter objects within an array
Returns a Map of objects found, the key is the full path to the object
' get all the players with the name "3th"
Dim players As Map = Path.Filter("teams/*/players", CreateMap("name": "3th"))
For Each key As String In players.Keys
Dim play As Map = players.Get(key)
Log("Player " & play.Get("name") & " full path = " & key)
Dim play as Map = Path.Filter($"teams/{"name": "De Caddie Clan"}/players/"$, CreateMap("name": "Catherine"))
.GetArraySize(Path As String) As Long
Returns the size of the array, given the full path to the array.
Returns -1 if not found
.PathToKeys(path As String) As String()
Helper method: returns an array of all the keys in the path
' we want to get all the captains and then use their key to build a new path to his team to get its name
Dim captains As Map = Path.Filter("teams/*/players", CreateMap("isCaptain": True))
For Each key As String In captains.Keys
Dim play As Map = captains.Get(key)
Log("The captain is: " & play.Get("name") & " " & play.Get("surName"))
' use the key to lookup the team
Dim Keys() As String = Path.PathToKeys(key)
Dim TeamPath As Map = Path.Get(Keys(0) & "/" & Keys(1))
Log("From the team: " & TeamPath.Get("name"))
.KeysToPath(keys() As String) As String
Helper method: makes a path from an array of keys
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