B4J Question BCText - multiple buttons with tags


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When I first read about Erel's BCtext in this Forum (not the one in Rome) I was immediately fascinated and decided to use this in my 1st B4J project as a learning exercise (both for B4X-Pages and B4J). It said in that post (May 2019) "not 100% ready and especially it is missing another layer above the engine that will make it easier to build the text with the various options", but I could not find that layer, so I started to roll my own. Out came a tool to build an expandable xCLV list including a button designer and a table designer that lets you import tab-delimited lists with links to a DB.

All works now very nicely except for this thing with the buttons as there could be several expanded panels with one or more buttons with different functions (and I don't want to create a separate sub for each individual button as this would make it very complicated for the future users of this layer tool).

Sub createButton:
sub createButton
        Dim btn As Button
        Dim xbtn As B4XView = btn
        xbtn.Text = TextField1.Text '&" "&Q.nrow
        xbtn.textColor = xui.Color_White
        Select Case Style1.SelectedValue
            Case "dark"
                xbtn.Color = xui.Color_DarkGray
            Case "blue"
                xbtn.Color = xui.Color_Blue
            Case "red"
                xbtn.Color = xui.Color_Red
            Case Else '"light"
                xbtn.Color = xui.Color_LightGray
                xbtn.textColor = xui.Color_Black
        End Select
        xbtn.Tag = Label4.text
        xbtn.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, TextField3.Text, TextField4.text) 'these are actually  numbers
        B4XPages.MainPage.BBCodeViewM.Views.Put($"btn${Q.nRow}"$,xbtn)   '
'        Dim Out As String =$"[a=2]lets add a button [View=btn${Q.nRow}/] and see whats happens[/a]"$ '${Q.nRow}
        Dim Out As String =$" [View=btn${Q.nRow}/] "$ 'btn${Q.nRow
'        E1.TextArea1.Text = E1.TextArea1.Text & CRLF&Out
        Dim A As String = E1.TextArea1.Text
        Dim F As Int = E1.findstart
        If F < 1 Or F > E1.TextArea1.Text.Length - 2 Then
            E1.TextArea1.Text = E1.TextArea1.Text & CRLF&Out
            E1.TextArea1.Text = A.SubString2(0,E1.findstart).trim &Out &  A.SubString(E1.findstart).trim
        End If
'        Log("E new text from "&E1.findstart&CRLF&E1.TextArea1.Text)
End Sub

I tried several variations on line 21 with different Sub btn_click variants and even to wrap the button in an URL but could not see any result upon clicking on any of the buttons, because I could not figure out a way to add/recover multiple buttons with tags to jump to different subs (as a button on panel one could have the same function as button on panel 5, e.g. "print list").
Perhaps the BBListitem part in the library could be tweaked, I'll have a look.

Any Idea to help solving this enigma would be more than helpful. Thank you in advance.
john m.


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Thank you,Erel, this is exactly what I was trying to figure out.
my xbutton has a tag on line 18 but in
Sub btn_click
    Dim t As B4XView
    t = Sender
    Dim x As Int = t.Tag
    Log("button clicked: "&x&",  name="&t.Parent&",  tag="&x)
End Sub
nothing happens.
I also tried Dim t As Button - absolute silence.

What have I done wrong?

PS please ignore this message and that the problem even existed.
I just discovered a stupid error of mine (or lack of logical thinking) as the buttons have to reconstructed and their numbers and corresponding tags could change with every visit of the same page.
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Almost solved: I changed strategy since the same button can appear more than once on the same BBCodeview and on several expandable CLV views,
I create buttons only once as *.png images, save to AppData and wrap the images into commands. This offers flexibility ...0, "PNG") Ostream.Close End Sub [/CODE]


  • 3buttons.png
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