Public Sub PaintBarCode( xCanvas As Canvas, xLeft As Int, xTop As Int, xHeight As Int, xCode As String, xThicknes As Float)
Dim intercharacterGap As String = "0"
Dim str As String
Dim alphabet39 As String = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*"
Dim coded39Char() As String = Array As String("000110100", "100100001", "001100001", "101100000", "000110001", "100110000", _
"001110000", "000100101", "100100100", "001100100", "100001001", "001001001", _
"101001000", "000011001", "100011000", "001011000", "000001101", "100001100", _
"001001100", "000011100", "100000011", "001000011", "101000010", "000010011", _
"100010010", "001010010", "000000111", "100000110", "001000110", "000010110", _
"110000001", "011000001", "111000000", "010010001", "110010000", "011010000", _
"010000101", "110000100", "011000100", "010101000", "010100010", "010001010", _
"000101010", "010010100")
If xCode = "" Then
End If
str = "*" & xCode.ToUpperCase & "*"
For i = 0 To xCode.Length - 1
If alphabet39.IndexOf( xCode.CharAt(i)) = -1 Or xCode.CharAt(i) = "*" Then
End If
Dim encodedString As String = ""
For i = 0 To str.Length - 1
If i > 0 Then
encodedString = encodedString & intercharacterGap
End If
encodedString = encodedString & coded39Char(alphabet39.IndexOf(str.CharAt(i)))
Dim encodedStringLength As Int = encodedString.Length
Dim wideToNarrowRatio As Float = 3
Dim x As Float = 0
Dim wid As Float = 0
x = xLeft
For i = 0 To encodedStringLength - 1
If encodedString.CharAt(i) = "1" Then
wid = wideToNarrowRatio * xThicknes
wid = xThicknes
End If
Dim d2 As Rect
d2.Initialize( x, xTop, x+ wid, xHeight)
xCanvas.DrawRect(d2, IIf(i Mod 2 = 0, Colors.Black, Colors.WHITE), True, wid)
x = x + wid
End Sub