
  1. P

    Android Question help! admob size smartbanner

    I received a violation notification from Admob , i've follow the tutorial firebaseadmob library with this code: Sub ads(banner As String) BannerAd.Initialize2("BannerAd", banner, BannerAd.SIZE_SMART_BANNER) Dim height As Int If GetDeviceLayoutValues.ApproximateScreenSize < 6 Then...
  2. K

    Android Question Firebase admob Issue

    Hi All I am having an issue with my app. I am creating a simple B4x Page application, with one page [this has a couple of images and a button. there is also a panel which is the placeholder for the admob to display into. My app will install and run on my phone perfectly until I add...
  3. A

    Android Question [Solved] Admob / advertising id question on how to use

    Reading throught the code snippet on the link below: I am a little confused if we need to replace the admob unit id with the advertising id or there is no relation between both? I have checked the google link but still confused...
  4. Ivan Aldaz

    B4A Class AdMobConsentFormMultilang

    Hi This class shows the consent form required for ads in EEC countries and UK in several languages (see Consts in Class_Globals). It's almost a clone of the Google Consent form. Code is B4X, written for B4A. For the moment I don't use B4J or B4I, but I guess it's not much effort to adapt this...
  5. Schakalaka

    Share My Creation click & claim - free bitcoin faucet

    Hi everyone. after several months of work, forum posts, problems solved and money spent, I finally finished my last application in b4x It names Click & Claim, and it is a free faucet for android. The feature that distinguishes this app from the others, in addition to working, is that it saves...
  6. D

    Android Question how change AddReplacement from code?

    Hi i used admob like this: also i use this code in manifest for admob: AddReplacement($ADMOB_APP_ID$, ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713) and i want change this Replacement from...
  7. S

    Android Question Tapping on ads does not work

    I have gone through the hoops to implement AdMob ads with the FirebaseAdMob library. I have ads displaying in the app and the AdMob dashboard shows some impressions, so it seems to be implemented correctly. However, tapping on the ads has no effect - there is a flash on the ad background...
  8. A

    Android Question invalid ad request in admob google

    I have the following code Sub Globals 'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created. 'These variables can only be accessed from this module. Dim AdView1 As AdView End Sub Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) 'Do not forget to load the layout...
  9. BugNot

    Android Question InterstitialAd Disable back button

    Hello, I've problem with back button... When an admob Interstitial ad is displayed, if you press the back button, you can close the ad before the ad countdown ends. I tried with a timer but the activity pauses and the timer does not work. How do I fix this? Thank you
  10. Lyndon Bermoy

    Android Question Maven Artifact not found:

    Hi everyone, I am developing an app with adds so that I can monetize it in Google Playstore since I am broke due to covid-19. I followed all the tutorial based on Firebase admobs. But I encounter an error from opening the b4a file which says Maven Artifact not found...
  11. D

    Android Question I need to add an advertising code (ADMOB) for kids

    I need to add an advertising code (ADMOB) for kids, I saw an example from 2016 and added. But I see adult banner ads. Is it okay to see adult ads? An intermediate ad for children I need a code in full. Thanks.
  12. M

    Android Question AdMob Stop sending ads

    hi, i recently used admob. I created one Native ad, it started working some days ago. Today i created other two native ads, after that i stopped receving the ads, even the first one i created some days ago (the event doen't trigger..) It is normal? is an admob behaviour? Thanks!
  13. M

    Android Question AdMob not getting ads

    Hi everyone one, i'm trying to learn how to use AdMob, there are too many updates in the forums that creates some confusion. I found out this awesome example from @asales but when i change the ID's nothing works anymore. What i've done: Went on Firebase to create a new project, downloaded the...
  14. Flavio SOuza

    Android Question Banner Adaptive Admob

    Hello I noticed that on some devices the banner is cutting. That's bad! I wonder if you have how to implement Adaptive Banners on B4A. I've been grateful for the attention. Hugs!
  15. Lucas Eduardo

    Android Question Adaptive Banners

    From code posted by Erel on this thread 1: Code: Sub GetAdaptiveAdSize As AdSize Dim ctxt As JavaObject ctxt.InitializeContext Dim AdSize As JavaObject Dim width As Int = 100%x / GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale...
  16. LucaMs

    Android Question AdMob - no ads received

    I have developed 2 test (AdMob) projects; neither of them receives ads (always error 3). Even the apps that I published maybe a couple of years ago and that I haven't updated anymore don't get advs anymore; I would like to know if your apps published or updated only before 2019 still receive...
  17. sentechnologies

    Android Question How to use FirebaseAds in my app

    anyone help me how to integrate firebase admob in my application. i tried several options described in the internet but i can't. my application always getting crash even after i added firebaseadmob lib 1.60 in my app. my application getting crashed after i added the following 1. in manifest i...
  18. Jack Cole

    B4A Class FirebaseAdmob Native Ad Class

    Across the forum, there are pieces of code that you can put together to make native ads work. I put everything together into a class that saves me a lot of time, and hopefully you will find it helpful also. This example uses a pre-built layout and uses the Unified Native Ad for the type of...
  19. B

    Share My Creation Game Puzzle (League of Legends)

    Hello from France, I share with the community my first hybrid application construct with B4A. The main game is embedded in a webview placed in the main activity. And I used Firebase Admob library in a second activity. The main difficulty was to establish the dialogue between Javascript and B4A...

    Android Question make admob Native ads

    Hello friends:) I'm going to set AdMob Native ads in my app. These ads must be displayed after each panel in the scroll but only at the end of the scroll is displayed:( where is the problem ? please guide me;) Thank you #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle...