
  1. Jim2025

    Android Question why B4A.CallSub inside class not work?

    inside class: ' inside another sub for initilize wve.Initialize(webv) Dim WebChromeClient1 As DefaultWebChromeClient WebChromeClient1.Initialize("WebChromeClient1") wve.SetWebChromeClient(WebChromeClient1) private Sub webv_PageFinished (Url As String) ' wve is same webviewextras 'This...
  2. AmirPYTHON

    Android Question Ensuring Visibility Above the Keyboard

    Hello I created a chat page, now I want it to be like Telegram, where when we click on the edit text, the keyboard opens and the edit text button appears above the keyboard, so we can see what we typed I couldn't think of anything, because the layout doesn't work either, because the keyboard...
  3. modiranghaneipour

    Android Tutorial HOW YOU CAN USE ScrollView

    hello if you have a panel and you want scroll this panel then you use this source. at first create scrollview in source code then cut views in your panel and paste in scrollview panel now show this ' ______________________________________ If scvSetup.IsInitialized = False Then...
  4. C

    Bug? Bug with edittext_textchanged event

    Hi, I have a complex client/server app that I'm not sure I can share the entire code with but happy to do a zoom with someone to show them what is happening. The server side sends a packet of data that contains everything to draw the GUI on the screen - this includes labels and edit text...
  5. CorryWestSide

    Android Question Error: java.io.IOException: Error writing 8 bytes at offset 0 length=8 [UsbSerial AND AsyncStreams LIBRARY]

    Here Log when i plug-in and try to start a communication with my otg - USBToIrDa Manufacturer : ARKMICRO ������������������������������������ Product : USB TO IRDA �������������������������������������� Serial : not available DeviceName : /dev/bus/usb/001/014 DeviceClass ...
  6. G

    Android Question Dropbox v2 auth flow

    Hi DonManfred, Sorry to trouble you. I'm having some issues with the authorisation flow using the v7 SDK. Where as previously I could call auth.startOAuth2Authentication and all was right with the world, I'm having issues getting auth.startOAuth2PKCE to work. is...
  7. modiranghaneipour

    Android Question wait for Error

    hello i use wait for in other module public Sub sendToUrl( url As String ) As ResumableSub 'Log(Sender.As(B4XPagesManager.GetPageInfoFromRoot.B4XPage.))' LogColor(DateTime.Now,Colors.Magenta) Dim j1 As HttpJob j1.Initialize("", Sender)...
  8. MicroDrie

    Share My Creation Interactive expandable multi B4XPages Drawer menu (tested in B4J and B4A)

    In the five years that I have been using my single B4XPage expandable Drawer menu in B4J and B4A, both the IDEs and the B4X components have evolved. The time was ripe to create a new version called m3Menu. Below the result and an overview of the possibilities: The starting point was that the...
  9. G

    Android Question DropBox SDK v2 & Java SDK v7.0.0

    F.a.o DonManfred Apologies if I'm being blind, but I can't seem to find the download for the current xml and jar files for the dropbox sdk v2. The first post seems to indicate that it has been updated to wrap the version 7.0.0 SDK but only the additional files are there. I tried editing an...
  10. Z

    Android Question check if something is printed

    Hi... I have Android device with an integrated printer. Make and model are irrelevant. My app must collect printed data, so the manufacturer created a small API for that. I'm accessing that API on timer, but if I can somehow see that something is being printed I can only then access API...
  11. jsaplication.mobile

    Android Question load file webview file://android_asset/www/index.html

    Hello B4A Team, I would like to bring to your attention an issue that significantly affects the development of hybrid applications in B4A. Over the past few years, I have noticed that support for loading local HTML files using the path file:///android_asset/www/index.html has been discontinued...
  12. intellvold

    B4A Library SimpleLottieB4A (AXrLottie)

    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for long com.aghajari.rlottie.AXrLottieNative.create(java.lang.String, int, int, int[], boolean, boolean) (tried Java_com_aghajari_rlottie_AXrLottieNative_create and...
  13. D

    Java Question Wrapper for a RFID reader Impinj Octane SDK

    Hello , I am working on a project that involves developing a B4A application to be installed on a V9000 PDA, which has an integrated Impinj Reader. My goal is to enable the application to read and write RFID tags, specifically focusing on EPC (Electronic Product Code) and TID (Tag Identifier)...
  14. A

    Android Question Problem with updating a cell in google sheet

    Hi I am trying to communicate with Google sheet. Using the code below I can read data from Cell B3 of sheet One. This code works fine. Dim j As HttpJob Dim StrGS As String j.Initialize("", Me)...
  15. CorryWestSide

    Android Question Usb IrDa Dongle implement Idea

    Hi, with this post i wanna ask you if theres is a way to implement a Usb IrDa Dongle device comunication. Actually my idea is very simple, make an app that uses the USB connection with InfraRed Tecnology for communicate with a my vending machine port for recover sales data and then analys the...
  16. Y

    Android Question Error while compiling

    Hi! Who can help me solve this problem that occurred when compiling a program that was already working fine?
  17. regtest

    Android Question mi porgram suddenly close while trying to validate info

    when I want to validate user and password I click on the botonborrar_click but the program closes, what could be happening? #Region Project Attributes #ApplicationLabel: B4A Example #VersionCode: 1 #VersionName: 'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape...
  18. CorryWestSide

    Android Question Simple API Request with key and certificate

    hi i have this code in php that i wrote some month ago, my question is, can i write this in b4a? the actual difficoult that i encounter is given by the file .crt and .key for the ssl. Someone can help me in some way? function post_listaDispositivi() { $body =...
  19. L

    Italian designer e progetto diversi

    Buongiorno, non riesco a capire perché la grafica che vedo in designer è diversa dalla grafica del progetto HO creato solo una pagina in designer e se la vado a vedere con designer wisywig la vedo corretta (si vedono tutte e 20 le righe ) se eseguo il progetto di righe ne vedo solo 14 ...
  20. CorryWestSide

    Android Question Python Convert To B4A Language or Java

    Hi, i have this code by a company, i have to implement this in my b4a app but i realy dont know how to convert it in java or b4a. Can i have a help pls? are just 2 week that i not have any result..... import asyncio import crcmod from crcmod.predefined import * import datetime from bleak...