
  1. G

    Android Question B4A & AWS MQTT Connection (IOT)

    Hello everyone! I must make an app (to be more specific 2 apps Android & IOS). I want to connect with AWS MQTT Broker, via MQTT protocol. I made a lot of tries to achieve a connection (first of all, and then publish-subscribe to a topic), with no success. Is there someone, who has used AWS, to...
  2. J

    Android Question Row too big to fit into CursorWindow

    Hello! I'm getting this error when I do a SQL Select from in SQLite. The data is not big, the query only selecting 3 columns and getting 8 rows of data. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteBlobTooBigException: Row too big to fit into CursorWindow requiredPos=7, totalRows=8 at...
  3. HassanProgrammer

    Android Question Start activity on the lock screen

    You must have seen many times that in WhatsApp, someone calls us and our phone screen turns on and the call activity is started! I want to implement exactly this feature in my program. (The user's phone may or may not be locked ...) please guide me. Thankful❤️
  4. HassanProgrammer

    Android Question Secure connection to servers and hosts

    Hello, How did Telegram, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. establish their security? A hacker can decompile my program and gain access to my links or IP server and abuse it. For example, send thousands of requests to my server and host in a row. Or enter my api link in the browser and see or change user...
  5. HassanProgrammer

    Android Question Download the activity and start it

    I want to upload an activity on the server and download it from the server in the main activity and then start it. How do I do that?
  6. C

    Android Question Class instance was not initialized (b4xpagesdelegator) on resume

    Hello! I need some help, I don't know what is causing this error to appear. Didn't make any big changes to it and now the app dont even open Registro conectado a: Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 --------- beginning of system --------- beginning of main *** Service (starter) Create *** ** Service (starter)...
  7. S

    Android Question Possible to stream MP3 with exoplayer from password protected webfolder?

    Hello, I'm using the exoplayer to stream mp3 from my server. Is it possible to stream from a protected folder? So the mp3 stays protected from unwanted downloading and only streaming via the app is possible? If yes, then please how to do that? I've searched but I can't find similar example...
  8. Kevin Hartin

    iOS Question WebView Formatting

    My app uses webviews to display lightly formatted HTML syncronised from a web server for things like help pages etc. In B4a I use the WebViewSettings library to reduce the text to a reasonable size, as when I add the <meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1.0' /> header, it displays very...
  9. Marvel

    B4J Code Snippet Creating Jigsaw Puzzles (B4XPages)

    This is a very crude version of the code I'm using in a project to create a jigsaw puzzle. What it basically does is cut square images into jigsaw pieces. It's not very cleaned up, but feel free to use and extend as you want. What you can do with this code: Specify the puzzle row/column...
  10. P

    Android Question LED switch on / off

    I'm from Germany and there are electricity meters there where you can query the consumption figures. To do this, you have to light up a diode and thereby enter the code so that you can access the device. I wanted to trigger this "blinking" via APP. So I press a button and the LED (of the...
  11. captain hawak

    Android Question mjpeg decoder

    https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-class-mjpeg-decoder.73702/#content It works well b4j but in b4a android very bad and refresh rate very slow What can be done to be as fast as b4j ?
  12. A

    Android Question B4A stopwatch.

    Can anyone help in coding a basic stopwatch?
  13. abedcode

    Android Question WebView with address bar like ChromCustomTabs library?

    hello everyone, Is there any libraries for B4A so you could have a WebView but with address bar & authenticity of internally opened Chrome browser like the way Instagram & Telegram do it? the ChromCustomTabs library is not the answer because of two reasons: 1- you have no controls over it like...
  14. abedcode

    Android Question what #DebuggerForceStandardAssets means?

    hi everyone, does anyone know what #DebuggerForceStandardAssets: True means & what it really does?? when should I use it?
  15. arna1385

    Android Question How to send and receive from http Server

    Hi every one I have a VB.Net program but i can't translate this part of program to B4A In this program connect to the server with NtripCaster and NtripPort and then send username and password and then request for answer from Server (Server response) How can I send and receive this information...
  16. abedcode

    Android Question how to use git with b4a?

    hello everyone, I like to know when using git, which directories or files I should ignore? should I commit backup zip files? what about "Objects" directory? a .gitignore file would be really helpful, thanks in advance :)
  17. T

    Android Question Change spinner item by index

    How can I change a spinner item by item index (not selected item/index) MySpinner.Add("a") MySpinner.Add("b") MySpinner.Add("Z") MySpinner.Add("d") MySpinner.Add("e") MySpinner.Items(2)="c" '<--
  18. AkuryuBR

    Android Question Biometric error with title

    Ho to all, i have a strange problem, of i install the biometric example and set the title of application off, the title don't disappear, instead of i commenti the code in this mode #AdditionalJar: androidx.biometric:biometric '#Extends: android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity #AdditionalJar...
  19. _mandy

    Android Question B4XPages ShowPageAndRemovePreviousPages

    Hello, first post in any forums. So basically I have a global variable of sql on B4XMainPage class, my idea is that once the application opens, the sql database is loaded in public and can be called by different classes upon their initialization. This is so I could prevent it from locking...
  20. helmiazman

    Android Question Any b4a developer from Klang Valley Malaysia?

    Hi, I'm looking for b4a developer in Klang Valley Malaysia. Have an interesting short term project, PM me if you are interested.