
  1. N

    iOS Question Compiling issues

    Hi there Yesterday I started having issues compiling an app that previously was compiling without issue. I had no problem compiling for most of yesterday until near 16:00 where I started getting this error appearing in the compilation window. any ideas on what the issue is?
  2. C

    iOS Question Zoomable ImageView

    I'm looking for an imageview that provides the usual pinch to zoom and panning capabilities. I came across Narek Adonts' libZOOM library, discussed here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/zoomable-imageview.55185/ but I am having the same issue that Graham Bancroft reported which is...
  3. D

    iOS Question Get more Wifi information?

    Hi all, In B4A, it's possible to use the Simple Wifi library here – https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/simple-wifi-library-updated-v-3-07-09-05-2018.76233/ (which is based on the MLwifi library) to get all kinds of information about the Wifi connection, which I can't find in B4i. I've...
  4. D

    iOS Question How to get ApplicationLabel and Version at runtime?

    Hi all, Maybe I'm being slow, but I can't seem to find any way to get the app's name and version at runtime? I.e. the values of the Project Attributes #ApplicationLabel and #Version that are set in the Main module. In B4A I would do it by calling Application.LabelName and...
  5. mcqueccu

    iOS Question Ready to Publish..But needs clarification

    Am excited to publish my first application. However, I want to be clear about the steps in the publishing tutorial here 1. I have done the step 1, tested the app in airplane mode and it was ok. 2. Create a distribution certificate and provision file...using the the existing certsigningrequest...
  6. S

    iOS Question First compilation trial on Local Mac

    Hi, I use B4A for a while on my projects, thanks for the nice IDE product family again. I had bought a bundle and don't want to buy a developer ID yet, so i bought a second hand Mac Computer for build processes, which i could use later on, after getting a developer account. I just try to...
  7. didimo73

    Android Question Converting B4A project to B4i

    Hi, I bought both B4A Enterprise and B4i Enterprise + Hosted Builder. I would like to publish the same app on both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. So I need to have two versions of the same app: one for Android and one for iOS. I have already developed the Androind version using...
  8. Sganga61

    iOS Question Uploading to Apple store problem

    Hi Everybody can anyone help me to understand this kind of problem? After I create a app release, (tested before on local device also in airplane mode), download the last version, get the app specific id from Apple....I try to upload the .ipa file with iTunes connect... I have always this...
  9. LWGShane

    Wish JDK and B4A/B4i

    Since the latest B4J is compatible with OpenJDK 11 and OpenJFX and that B4A/B4i will follow with adding support for OpenJDK 11, I want to suggest creating a "minimized-mobile only" OpenJDK and bundling it with future B4A and B4i installations, like how Microsoft does with Visual Studio and Xamarin.
  10. T

    iOS Question How do I download a PDF file from Webview?

    I followed this thread https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/how-to-go-back-in-webview-and-how-to-download-pdf-file.66546/ And my code is: Sub WebView1_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean If Url.EndsWith(".pdf") Then Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("pdf", Me)...
  11. miguelconde

    iOS Question Where is the objective c code that represents my developement?

    Hello, im not an ios developer and i have some troubles trying to export my b4i proyect to xcode. When i try to open the objective c code that is hosted in Object/src/B4iProyect in Xcode (i need to do this in order to respond to a request of the client) i got a message that says that there are...
  12. Peter Simpson

    Tool B4X Template Manager (New B4J version). Create and share your layouts with others

    First of all, cheers to Filippo who created a template manager last week. I was going to offer Filippo a few suggestions in his thread about his program, but then I decided to create my own on Sunday. B4X Template Manage (B4X TM) is no better or worse than Filippo's, it's just a different take...
  13. QtechLab

    iOS Question Local builder error

    Hi Everyone, I'm trying to compile my App with the local mac compiler, using OSX (lastest version) and XCode (9.4.1). Normally i use the hosted builder to compile the App but now i have to test it with different devices. Xcode provides nice simulators. Compiling with local builder gives me...
  14. N

    Wish Spatialite library for B4i

    Please any equivalent Spatialite libray for B4i. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/spatialite.36296/ Thanks
  15. R

    iOS Question Google maps marker modification

    In B4A i was able to change a bitmap and add a number, before i used this bitmap for a marker. In B4I i tried this code: Dim Bitm As B4XBitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Markerg.png") Cv.Initialize(Bitm) Cv.DrawCircle(25dip,39dip,14dip,Colors.DarkGray,True,0) Dim f As...
  16. M

    Wish RESideMenu lib

    HI Everyone im glad to join your big community its very nice to be here with the best developers im not sure i post in a right place so anyway I wish anyone help me with wrapping a lib from a github its a very nice lib and its good to be wrap in b4i link of GitHub project...
  17. MarkusR

    iOS Question B4i IDE environment

    i not have this product, can i use the ide at windows pc and mac? as i understand: at windows pc the ide use a mac (i have a mac mini) for compile and then it copy via B4I-Bridge app to phone. at mac it will compile direct and show the app in xcode phone emulator or push it to the phone via...
  18. omarruben

    Bug? LoadVideoUrl does not load from a string variable holding the address[solved]

    Hello, looks like it is a bug *** does not work **** Private vv As VideoView url = "http://mi.radiocast.us:8000" vv.Initialize("vv") vv.LoadVideoUrl(url) *** WORKS **** Private vv As VideoView vv.Initialize("vv") vv.LoadVideoUrl("http://mi.radiocast.us:8000") using the...
  19. O

    iOS Question How to connect to a mysql Database

    I want to connect to a Mysql Database over the Internet. In B4a it is no problem with the mysql library. But how it works in b4i?
  20. D

    iOS Question Profile Error

    Hi All. Check dependencies Code Signing Error: No certificate matching 'iPhone' found: Select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY, a team that matches your selected certificate, or switch to automatic provisioning. Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product...