
  1. Chianca

    B4J Question Best way to create wrappers for B4J

    Hello Friends! I'm starting a new project on B4J, that will run on Windows and Linux desktops. The app needs to use a 3rd party external library (.DLL and .SO). What is the best way for writing this app? Create a wrapper of DLL and .SO and use it depending on target OS? There is any tutorial...
  2. P

    Color selector application using B4XSeekBars and B4XFloatTextFields (B4A and B4J versions)

    This application showcases the use of B4X views and the multi platform programming with the #If B4A and #If B4J directives. This is how it looks like (first on my laptop then on my smartphone): A short description is available in the attachment: color_selector.pdf You can find the source codes...
  3. R

    B4J Question Draggable List View

    Is there such a view in B4J that allows the user to manually re-order the cells in the list? I am looking for something rather like xCustomListView that responds to drag events?
  4. SSparrow

    Need to port a B4A app to B4X and possibly B4J (Paid)

    I have a mobile app that is used for configuring our company's wireless sensors over a BLE connection. The source code has been through many revisions since the early days of B4A and needs updating to B4X as a step towards an iOS release for the Apple Store. The app contains a large number of...
  5. E

    B4J Question Facing Problem with Jserial...Receiving Data is not in proper format

    Working on a modbus RTU project on which i send a predefined command of few bytes and in response also few bytes are send by the MODBUS RTU (REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT).Reponse length of bytes is not uniform for each command. sometime it length is 8 bytes..sometime 13 .While receiving AStream_NewData...
  6. vfafou

    B4J Question jRDC2 Windows 11 problem when running in release mode outside the IDE

    Hello! I need a way to run the jRDC2 before the user run my application. I've built the jRDC as a standalone package but I take the following errors when I run my application! I use jdk-14.0.1 and trying with 11.0.1 I have the same results. Running in release mode from the IDE, all are working...
  7. Patent

    B4J Code Snippet Render a Node

    Dear community, here is a snip about NEW rendering of any node in any size you want. Yery useful: the original Node is not altered. Works with B4J, not tested with B4A. Enjoy Private Sub RenderNode (factorX As Double, factorY as Double, sourceView As B4XView) As B4XBitmap Dim...
  8. G

    B4J Question How to insert a progress bar in b4xtable?

    Sub Class_Globals Private Root As B4XView 'ignore Private xui As XUI 'ignore Private b4xtable1 As B4XTable Private GraphColumn As B4XTableColumn Private progress As ProgressBar End Sub public Sub zhichuchaxun GraphColumn = b4xtable1.AddColumn("总进度"...
  9. G

    B4J Question Help, I've been studying for a whole day but haven't solved it. The data queried by B4J is different from the data in Access

    Dim req1 As DBRequestManager = CreateRequest Dim cmd1 As DBCommand = CreateCommand("select_tubiao3",Null) Wait For (req1.ExecuteQuery(cmd1, 0, Null)) JobDone(j1 As HttpJob) If j1.Success Then req1.HandleJobAsync(j1, "req1") Wait For (req1) req1_Result(res1 As DBResult)...
  10. G

    B4J Question Using jchart class library to dynamically obtain pie chart data from database, what is the problem?

    Wait For (req.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, Null)) JobDone(j As HttpJob) If j.Success Then req.HandleJobAsync(j, "req") Wait For (req) req_Result(res As DBResult) req.PrintTable(res) 'PIE CHART PieChart.Initialize("PC") PieChart.Title = "Pie Chart"...
  11. G

    B4J Question java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null" Why is there an error when data can be found in the database? Thank you

    [CODE lang="b4x" title="java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null"" highlight="java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null""]Call B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True to enable logging B4XPages events. Tag: null, Columns: 3, Rows: 1 BUMEN FEIYONGGUIJI jine...
  12. G

    B4J Question How to set variable values in JOSON files and What are the types of types in the Joson file? THANKS

    B4XTable1.AddColumn(Main.b & "月份计划", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) { "title": "12月份计划", "type": "Text", "key": "12月份计划", "required": true },
  13. vfafou

    B4J Question AS CalendarExpandable question

    Hello! I would like to ask @Alexander Stolte if there is any event triggered when we change the month from header. I need to do some tasks when the month is changed.
  14. Tirecs

    B4J Question [SOLVED] B4J TableView Column Alignment Error in Java versions higher than 8

    Hello forum members, we use this function for setting the alignment of columns of a TableView in our B4J applications: 'Possible Alignments: [ top-left | top-center | top-right | center-left | center | center-right | bottom-left | bottom-center | bottom-right | baseline-left | baseline-center |...
  15. Claudio Oliveira

    B4J Question B4J app crash

    Hey guys! I'm facing a quite weird problem with a B4J app. Looks like it happens when I use FileChooser.ShowOpenMultiple(MainForm). Whenever I hit "Cancel" on the file chooser dialog, application crashes immediately. In debug mode, B4J IDE stays running as if the app was still open even though...
  16. W

    B4J Question (Solved) NoSuchAlgorithmException with jcifs-ng SMB-Client (SMB2)

    I'm testing @DonManfred 's SMB client (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jcifs-ng-smb-client-smb2.104561/), both the B4A and B4J versions. B4A works fine, and so does B4J on Linux. On Windows 10 and 11 however, I'm getting the below error and have no clue what to do; the library used is...
  17. W

    B4J Question [SOLVED] Resizing ScrollPane doesn't adjust anchored contents

    I must be missing something fundamental here. When resizing the form's width, the contents (which are all anchored in the Designer) don't appear to resize with the ScrollPane and its InnerNode. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Code (which is the attached test project): Sub...
  18. mzsoft

    B4J Question play wav ubonto using shell

    in ubonto we cant play sound with mediaplay. so i want to play with shell command. in terminal with command below i play wav. aplay /home/admins/tempjars/Record/11012023094449.wav in shell i write this Dim path As String= File.GetUri("/home/admins/tempjars/Record/11012023094449.wav","")...
  19. L

    B4J Question GPS access from B4J

    Trying to create an application in B4J that needs to use GPS location speed etc. What library does B4J need to use for this to work. I also cant seem to find any examples in B4J only B4A example seem to exist. Does anyone have any examples of code for GPS access under B4J. Many Thanks in advance
  20. peacemaker

    B4J Tutorial SQLite or MySQL database

    For any project where a database is required - it's very important to have possibility to see the database data, to debug the app. If the app is used on a remote server host, and the database is getting bigger and bigger - it's not comfortable to see file-based SQLite database, as file copying...