B4J Question How to set variable values in JOSON files and What are the types of types in the Joson file? THANKS


How to set variable values in JOSON files:
B4XTable1.AddColumn(Main.b & "月份计划", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)

            "title": "12月份计划",
            "type": "Text",
            "key": "12月份计划",
            "required": true
There is an online JSON Tree tool available for : http://basic4ppc.com:51042/json/index.html which gives you this code:
JSON Tree Example:
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim title As String = jRoot.Get("title")
Dim type As String = jRoot.Get("type")
Dim key As String = jRoot.Get("key")
Dim required As String = jRoot.Get("required")
Explanation for the JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing (B4A / B4J)


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There is an online JSON Tree tool available for : http://basic4ppc.com:51042/json/index.html which gives you this code:
JSON Tree Example:
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim title As String = jRoot.Get("title")
Dim type As String = jRoot.Get("type")
Dim key As String = jRoot.Get("key")
Dim required As String = jRoot.Get("required")
Explanation for the JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing (B4A / B4J)
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