
  1. LucaMs

    B4A Library [B4X] RecentB4XPages

    I made this "stuff": a menu with thumbnails of recent B4XPages (which can be opened directly from the menu, of course). It is a class: are you interested in having a library?
  2. LucaMs

    Wish [B4XPages] do not convert page ID to lower case.

    When you add a B4XPage to "the project": B4XPages.AddPage("PageOne", PageOne) the page ID is automatically converted to lower case and saved. I don't like this (and I had problems as I had stored these IDs in my map - for... "personal" reasons ?). [Before anyone replies that I can use...
  3. G

    Android Question [Solved][B4XTable] Crash in ResultSet if click on "Recents" phone button

    I use one sub with code attached below that suppose to fill a list with a B4XTable rows. It works great, but if accidentally I have clicked on "Recents" button on the phone while the code is in the "Do While rs.NextRow " loop the app will crash with the error listed below. Not sure what would...
  4. M

    Android Question Transparent StatusBar Using B4XPages

    I tried using this code for Transparent StatusBar that I learned from This Post On B4XPages for my new project : Dim ph As Phone If ph.SdkVersion >= 4.4 Then Dim jo As JavaObject Dim window As JavaObject = jo.InitializeContext.RunMethod("getWindow", Null)...
  5. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - Starting B4XPages from a service module

    Greetings, We have a B4XPages app that includes a service module that starts with #StartAtBoot: true. Because B4XPages doesn't start upon a phone reboot, we would like to start B4XPages from that module when the user reboots their phone. Maybe something like this? #Region Service Attributes...
  6. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - B4XPages - Starting service module when phone reboots

    Greetings, I have this code to start a service module when the phone reboots but it doesn't start because my notification is not displayed on the app icon on the phone home screen. This was working in my original app before migrating it to B4APages. Is there any additional coding I need to add...
  7. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - B4XPages - Loading layouts

    Greetings, I just migrated a working non-B4XPages app over to B4XPages because CallSubDelayed was not working correctly when the old app did not have focus. I was advised to migrate to B4XPages. That issue has been resolved just by doing the migration. It seems that loading layouts is done...
  8. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - B4XPages attributes

    Greetings, Please pardon this stupid question. I'm transactioning a non- B4XPages app to B4XPages. What's the B4XPages equivalent to these attributes or how do I implement them in B4XPages? I get an error that tells me that non of these attributes are supported. #Region Project Attributes...
  9. P

    B4J Question [B4XPages] - Using FileChooser

    Hi to all Which is the correct way to use FileChooser with B4Xpages? I made a small app with B4J that has only one page (B4XMainPage). When showing FileChooser, you need to pass the 'owner as Form' parameter, but i did not find a way to pass this parameter, I get an error whatever I indicate...
  10. DroidLyon

    Android Question B4xPages B4xDrawer example leftpanel not covering actionbar

    Hi All In the example given here and using B4A 10.2 I see that the left drawer does not cover the Centerpanel Page 2 Actionbar when you click the hamburger. The example for B4xdrawer does - see here I have search the forum, can see differences in the manifest, use of appcompat, it may be my...
  11. mcorbeel

    B4J Question javafx error when running B4XPages tutorial

    I followed the steps as shown in the B4XPages video tutorial, but it gives error. Created new B4J project, then > file > new > B4XPages > and run and I get: B4J Version: 8.50 Java Version: 8 Parsing code. (0.01s) Building folders structure. (0.01s) Running custom action. (0.04s)...
  12. A

    iOS Question [solved] B4XPages - B4XPage_Appear crash

    Hi All, I am trying to set the text for B4XFloatTextField in B4XPage_Appear but it crashes with the stack in the code block below. I understand that when a page appear the events that will raise is B4XPage_Created then B4XPage_Appear, so I am tryin to use B4XPage_Appear since my data is coming...
  13. LucaMs

    Android Question [Solved] B4XPages - ClosePage error

    Sub Class_Globals Private Root As B4XView Private xui As XUI Public Page2 As pag2 End Sub Public Sub Initialize Page2.Initialize End Sub 'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible. Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Root = Root1...
  14. vfafou

    Android Question [B4XPages] Question about user closing from task manager.

    Hello! I have noticed that when I close the B4XPages app from android task manager, the app is still working in the background. If we don't use B4XPages, the activity has the UserClosed parameter at Activity_Pause and when the user closes the app from task manager the value is True. My question...
  15. LucaMs

    Android Question [Closed] B4XPages - ThreePagesExample - Private Page

    In the ThreePagesExample, B4XPage2, there is: Sub Class_Globals ' ... Private Page3 As B4XPage3 End Sub Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) ' ... Page3 = B4XPages.GetPage("Page 3") ' ... End Sub This way Page3 won't be a private instance of B4XPage3 or am I...
  16. W

    iOS Question [B4XPages] How to change text color of the ActionBar

    Hi: I been able to change the background color of the ActionBar: Dim no As NativeObject = NavControl no.GetField("navigationBar").RunMethod("setBarTintColor:", Array(no.ColorToUIColor(Colors.aRGB(255,0xd8d,0x29,0x29)))) ' #FF8D2929 And the Text content...
  17. LucaMs

    Other B4XPages - accessing pages

    This is meant to be a suggestion, almost a trick; I don't know where I should write it. The method to obtain a reference to a B4XPage is: Dim Page As clsMyPage = B4XPages.GetPage("PageId") As you can see in the ThreePagesExample project, the two "extra" pages, Page2 and Page3, are declared...
  18. LucaMs

    Android Question [Solved] B4XPages - Root is animated

    I get an ugly effect when showing a B4XPages. I set the layout Animation duration to 0ms, but I think that the Root Pane(l) is animated. I tried: Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Root1.SetLayoutAnimated(0, Root1.Left, Root1.Top, Root1.Width, Root1.Height) Root = Root1...
  19. LucaMs

    Wish B4XPages.ShowPage2(MyPage)

    B4XPages.ShowPage2(MyPage) where MyPage is a B4XPage (B4XPages.ShowPage requires a B4XPage string identifier, as you know).
  20. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] - Anchors seem to be ignored when using SetLayoutAnimated

    Greetings, I started to experiment with B4XPages and really like them. I also used SetLayoutAnimated to slide a layout called pnlWhiteDialog into view. It slides into view as expected but the alignment of the views on the layout are not being displayed as expected. For example I have a Label...