
  1. D

    Android Question In-App Update Library - Returns version 0 (B4XPages)

    Hello! I was trying to implement In-App update published by @ArminKh1993 here https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/in-app-update-library.126305/page-2#post-809707 Uploaded a new version to google play and left BridgeLogger true, when I debug the app the availableVersionCode is always 0 and...
  2. Lucas Siqueira

    iOS Question Add New Module B4XPages in B4I

    Hello, why in b4i 7.20 don't have the option to create a B4XPages module? Do I have to do any configuration? to appear or in the IDE do not have the option? (Remembering that the project is B4XPages)
  3. Lucas Siqueira

    iOS Question B4XPAGES + CLVSWIPE, erro ao carregar o aplicativo a primeira vez

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to build on clvswipe b4xpages, but when the application opens the first time, the clv is at a distance from the top (the red part in the image), which does not exist in the designer. something else when you try to slide, the event happens on the bottom clv item, not...
  4. irda

    Android Question How show or hide title bar for B4XPages?

    I am using the native menu together with B4XDrawer, but I am encountering a problem that I cannot find a solution for. I have three b4xpages. In the first two I don't want to show the title of the page so I have this option disabled in the layout designer. Despite this, the title bar appears on...
  5. Sandman

    Android Question [B4XPages] Where to declare pages?

    I'm converting my app to B4XPages, and I'm wondering if there's a recommendation on where to declare the pages? My app is about a dozen pages, and the user can (sort of) freely jump back and forth between them. At the moment I've declared all possible destination pages in each page. So if I...
  6. Marcos Alves

    iOS Question B4i Location Services

    Hello All, I'm using this sample code to implement location services in an app: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/location-gps.46148/#content I notice that, in the sample, when locManager.Initialize("LocManager") is called , Iphone automatically shows a message requesting...
  7. Marcos Alves

    iOS Question Progress Dialog B4XPages

    Hello all, is there any resource similar to B4A ProgressDialog when using B4XPages? Thanks!
  8. Guenter Becker

    Android Question SQLite Crypto

    Hello to you, I'm working with SQlite Version 3 and as known this kind of database has no encryption or password protection. But there is an enhanced clone of the native database as a GitHub Open Source Project is's called SQLiteCipher. The Documentation says that it is working like a standard...
  9. Marcos Alves

    iOS Question B4X Pages - Page Title

    Hello All, is there any way to remove the page title in IOS using B4XPages? Thanks!
  10. Marcos Alves

    Android Question B4XPages - ispaused

    Hello, in Android it's possible to know if an Activity is visible using ispaused("ActivityName"). What´s the similar command in B4XPages? I really didn't find in the forum... Sorry the simple question but I really didn't find. Thanks!
  11. Marcos Alves

    Android Question B4XPages and #IF JAVA

    Hello, I have a B4XPages code that is using specific java routines only for B4J. If compiled for B4A the routine raises an error that's why it's needed to restrict the compilation only to B4J. But compiler in B4A is ignoring the directive as follows: #if B4J #if Java import...
  12. Marcos Alves

    Android Question B4XPages - Error Declaring Pages

    Hello All, I have an app in B4XPages with three pages: - B4XMainPage , pedidos and orderDetail The app switches from B4XMainPage normally to pedidos ... this is the declaration code in B4XMainPage: Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Root = Root1...
  13. Marcos Alves

    Android Question B4XPages Code

    Hello all, it's known that the best place to put startup code to check parameters and data for app initialization (like creation tables on new databases, environment variables and so on) in Android/B4A is in the start service, as well as the right choice to put global variables is in the...
  14. josejad

    Spanish [B4XPages] jRDC2 + MySQL CRUD + Login

    Hola a todos: Por fin me he puesto a probar un poco con B4XPages, y he empezado a adaptar el ejemplo B4XPages + B4XDrawer Creo que he visto algunos ejemplos con php + mysql para hacer login, etc... pero he visto pocos con jRDC2. Los datos de la base de datos y la interfaz gráfica son bastante...
  15. josejad

    Android Example [B4XPages] jRDC2 + MySql CRUD + Login

    Hi all: I'm starting (at last) to work with B4XPages, so I've started to adapt the B4XPages + B4XDrawer example. I think I’ve seen more examples with php + mysql, but no projects with Jrdc2. Maybe the dummy data and the UI are too basic, but you can get some ideas. What do we need? - A...
  16. LucaMs

    Wish [THERE IS ALREADY] B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents - Log PageID too

    B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents - Log PageID too
  17. W

    Android Tutorial Hint: solving compiler error "Unknown member: initializenewinstance"

    I ran into this one today and fortunately my penny dropped rather quickly, though I didn't find anything on the forum about this error; hence this post as it might be useful for others. I was changing a standard app into a B4Xpages one, and this error showed up: Unknown member...
  18. G

    Android Question [B4XPages] Switching Phone SetScreenOrientation in B4XPages

    In a project based on B4XPages I have one page that should be presented in Landscape mode. I though I should use the SetScreenOrientation from Phone library. What I have noticed is that when using the SetScreenOrientation to change from one orientation to another the application will be paused...
  19. LucaMs

    Android Question B4XPages - shared project modules

    I posted a simple B4XPages example for an our friend. From within the environment I also created a second B4XPage, by ticking the CheckBox: "Add to parent folder". All is ok, the class is creted and saved at the same directory level as the B4XMainPage. In the project I also imported (checked) a...
  20. mcorbeel

    iOS Question Select photo from library using B4xPages

    I am using B4xPages and am struggeling with how to select a photo from the phone's album. In a previous non-B4xPages project that I made I used: Camera1.Initialize("Camera1", oPage) Camera1.SelectFromPhotoLibrary(Sender, Camera1.TYPE_ALL) But "oPage" is a Page object in B4i and I cannot use that...